Getting Through It, Falling Through It

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'Is it too late for Spinner to control again?' Shigaraki thought to himself as Midori made another shape turn, forcing him to back himself further into the wall of the van.

He had claimed a spot closer to the driver seat, so he could view the road through the window to watch when it was time to strike.

Midori was watching the road, his eyes canning the road as he ducked into yet another side street to avoid a small line of traffic. As he ran over traffic cones, Magne was jamming out in her seat to the music pumping out through the speakers.

Dabi was trying to stand despite almost falling every time Midori made a move, especially since he had kept his promise on hitting every speed bump which did include small potholes. Each time the burned man had cursed loudly as he stumbled when the van had bounced.

Spinner plastered his back to one of the far corners of the truck, so if he moved none of his knives would hurt anyone. Mr Compress laid his lower body flat on the floor of the van while he propped himself up against the wall across from Dabi.

Twice and Toga were clinging onto each other and Magne's seat to keep them from sliding around. Kurogiri was relatively still even though his body was slowly shifting from side to side when big turns were made.

"So Spinner, how was the drive over?"

"Not as bad as I thought, although I almost ran over a guy before I remembered it wouldn't give me any extra bonus points. The guy was dressed so weird too."

"Don't listen to him. He was terrible at everything if it wasn't a straight road," Dabi complained as he tried to grasp onto the wall as Midori hit another obstacle in the road. "OH! You little shit-!"

"Oops~," Midori said while he smiled from his driver's seat. Shigaraki could peek over from the far side of the driver seat to see the younger teen's excited face slightly reflected in the rear view mirror from his angle. "Sorry about that."

Magne started typing on her phone as the song playing out the radio was coming to a close. "What should I play next?"

"Given that I am very close to the highway, something dangerous and badass would be suitable for the tone," Midori answered. "But anything you choose would be good."

Time seemed to move quickly as Shigaraki watched his group bounce and move with each bump Midori seemed to hit while they followed after the van.

"Before we get closer, is there anything you three saw that we should know ahead of time?" Kurogiri asked, drawing Toga's attention to him.

"Oh, yeah!" Toga answered. "They have Overhaul along with some cases of bullets with him."

"Is it the quirk enhancement stuff?" Spinner questioned.

"It's quirk erasing," Midori explained from the driver's seat. "Overhaul made quirk-erasing bullets. So the heroes probably confiscated them to dissect them or destroy them."

"Interesting," Shigaraki said. "I'll be sure to steal them, so they'll be the league's property. We might be able to make more of them."

Shigaraki pretended to not notice how Midori's knuckles went white from how he clenched the wheel as he continued to drive.

Not too long after, they had finally caught up to the van on the highway.

Shigaraki unlocked the door, shooing Spinner away from the door. "Midori drives in front of the police car and keeps it steady."

Midori nodded, meeting his eyes in the rear view mirror before driving straight in front of the police car. Shigaraki lifted the door to the outside world, staring the car down. Dabi stepped forward with one of his arms ablaze.

How Deku Became a Glorified Chauffeur for the League of Villains Where stories live. Discover now