21 - Are You Ready

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Saturday, ~~ hours before arrest

I woke up ready to take the day on.

This is the day that everything fixes itself. The day where everything goes back to normal. Where I won't have to worry about Madam Mara's killer on the loose. The day where Niko will be gone. For good.

As I'm packing up everything that we'll need for the spell a thought hits me.

I'll have to kill Niko.

I sit back on my heels. The impact of the thought leaves me breathless. I'll have to kill someone. I'll have their blood on my hands.

I look down at my pale hands. There's no blood on them now, but will they stay like that? What if I hurt the wrong one? What if I stab Neo instead of Niko? The only difference is their eye color. It's not that hard to mess up.

Why did I think I could do this? There's no way I can do this. I'm going to hurt Neo and then Niko will be free and then-


I jump as my phone flashes on with a text.


Hey! Don't worry about anything! You'll do great. See you soon

I pick up my phone with trembling hands.

Neo's right. He believes in me. I won't mess this up because his life is in my hands. I cannot mess this up.

See you soon


An hour before arrest

I pull up to the field and turn the car off.

Last time I was here I met Niko for the first time. Tonight I'll be seeing him again for the last time.

I hop out of the car and grab the box from the back that I put all the items into. Along with the book. The spell is super complicated, and as well as I think I could rely on the notes I'd taken I'd rather not risk messing up and use the book instead.

Once I'm far enough into the fields that you can't see much from the road I put the box down and take a moment to put up a barrier so that no one will be able to see anything from the outside.

"To'siq y ko'rinmas." The words flow out like butter. As I imagine how big I want the barrier to be, a blue-ish, gray-ish tint seems to slither along the grass in a circular motion until it connects with the other side of itself. Then it climbs upwards into the sky until there's a blue and gray-ish tint dome surrounding me.

Mia and Neo might have a hard time finding me but it'll keep other people out.

Once the barrier is set-up I bend down and take the book out of the box and flip to the page with the spell I'll need.

Find an open spot with no one around. This is so that there is minimal chance that anyone other than the devwI' and its host will get hurt.

I grin. Step one is done.

Grab salt and make a large circle. This will keep the devwI' in. The devwI' cannot leave a salt circle. Though it is not affected by salt itself, just a salt circle.

I rummage through my box of items until I come across the container of salt that I packed. Standing up I start to make a smaller circle within the barrier that still leaves room between the two for me and Mia.

As I'm sprinkling the salt I start to lose the trail of it. It hides beneath the tall grass. But there isn't anything that I can do about it. So I take my time and make sure that each part of the circle has a heavy amount of salt and that there are no cracks in the circle.

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