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Nerves raced up and down Bagsy's body as she shuffled from foot to foot, and then bounced up and down on her toes. She was wrapped tightly in scarves and gloves, shivering below her thick cloak. It was a very cold day and her breath was icy mist in the air. Neither Mezrielda nor Arice had turned up yet. Bagsy was early, and only a small crowd of students were standing in the courtyard excitedly awaiting departure.

Suddenly, there was an arm slung over her shoulder. Bagsy jumped in shock but relaxed and turned to the owner, expecting Mezrielda to look at her with that cold-but-not-quite-freezing look she always had. Her heart stalled when she found a grimacing Primrose instead, her blue eyes fiery with violence.

'Hello, B-B-Bagsy,' Primrose mocked, leaning in close and baring her teeth in the largest, and most horrifying smile Bagsy had seen.

'P-Primrose!' Bagsy squeaked, hating her stutter.

'Last year you ran around telling tales about me to the teachers when I hadn't done anything, as if I'd waste my time on a loser like you. A stupid nobody who spreads lies.' Primrose's hand gripped Bagsy's shoulder tightly. 'Everyone thinks you're such a goody two shoes. Such a sweet girl. Someone who'd never hurt a fly, never break a rule, never tell a fib.' Something even more dangerous entered Primrose's expression. 'You'd imagine my surprise when I saw little miss perfect sneaking into the forbidden forest in broad daylight, only a few feet away from a professor!' Primrose's hand was sealed tightly over the scar the blood eyed beast had given Bagsy in her first year, and pain was jittering forcefully around her shoulder.

Tears pricked Bagsy's eyes. 'P-please,' she whispered, 'let go...'

'Don't tell me what to do!' Primrose hissed, digging her nails in. Bagsy let out a pained yelp and a few students shot them curious looks. Primrose shot them glares and Bagsy avoided their eyes, not wanting to make a scene. She had a feeling doing so would only make Primrose angrier. Bagsy just had to wait for Primrose to leave her alone before she could find a teacher and tell them what the other girl had done.

'Don't get any ideas,' Primrose whispered in Bagsy's ear. 'You say a word about this to anyone and you'll be kicked out of this school for going into the forbidden forest faster than you can say squib.'

Bagsy held back a shudder, folding in on herself fearfully. Primrose gave her a shake – it looked like the kind of shake a friend might give to another, only this one was really a thinly veiled threat of pain. 'I know you're up to something, Bagsy, and I'm going to figure it out, and then everyone will see you for just what you are. A nosy, selfish, hypocritical snot-nose who acts sheepish to hide the manipulative soul beneath.' Primrose shoved Bagsy away from her, as if she couldn't stand to be near her. 'You make me sick.'

'What did you just say!?' someone growled from behind Bagsy. With a sinking feeling in her stomach, Bagsy looked to see a fuming Arice as he marched over to Primrose.

At first, Primrose seemed to shrink away from him, but Bagsy saw the exact moment when Primrose decided she wasn't backing down from the fight.

'Arice, please,' Bagsy urged, trying to grab onto the sleeve of his jumper, 'don't-'

'What did you say to her?' Arice spat angrily at Primrose.

'This your boyfriend or something, Bagsy?' Primrose taunted, flipping her gorgeous blond curls over a shoulder. Bagsy noticed her other hand was still in her pocket, most likely holding her wand. 'Makes sense. He's as boring as you are. I bet your favourite colour is grey and you think bread is spicy.' A spattering of chuckles sounded from the other students, who were starting to pay attention now it was clear an altercation was brewing.

'Arice, just leave it!' Bagsy pleaded.

'She insulted you! She was grabbing your shoulder!' Arice argued, glaring back at Bagsy.

Bagsy Beetlehorn and the Inferno Conscription (The Bagsy Chronicles 3)Where stories live. Discover now