Ranking System

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Warning: There might be spoilers, so read "The Way of the Future: Age of Machines" book before reading this.


Summary: Individuals below Demigod Realm like A-ranks are usually around Continental level to possibly Planetary and could travel at hypersonic speed, while Awakened Demigods are capable of destroying entire worlds and moving at relativistic to light speed.

Experts around SSS-ranks and above are capable of threatening the universe and moving at FTL speeds. With the strongest beings being capable of creating multiple universes. Demigods are spiritual entities who will regenerate as long as their souls aren't destroyed and are capable of moving in stopped time without the needs of any Magic Item, even if they are not Space and Time Manipulation users.

There are numerous hax abilities in the story like Soul Manipulation, Probability Manipulation, Fate Manipulation, Reality Warping, Time Manipulation, Intangibility, Causality Manipulation, Existence Erasure, etc.

A-Ranked monsters are described to be capable of threatening the world, and other lifeforms of the same rank are on the same level of power, albeit not necessarily with the same destructive capacity as there are humans who rely more on their equipment that bolsters their statistics to fight against powerful monsters, meanwhile monsters may have the corresponding energy but not the area of effect or skills necessary to cause immediate widespread destruction.


F-rank(Novice Realm)

-They have the physical power and characteristics only comparable to that of regular humans, such as teenagers unathletic adults towards athletic humans, trained fighters and generally physically fit individuals.

E-rank(Beginner Realm)

-Unlike the other two, this level gives the person bodily functions at the maximum limit of human condition. It means that the person is way stronger, has more endurance and is faster than even other extremely athletic people could possibly achieve.

They are the highest level of Earth humans could achieve.

They can be so strong that they could break something that is made out of metal, punch hard to enough to seriously injure and even kill a human, pick up hundreds of kilograms, run a few times faster than a normal athlete, outrunning a bike or a wild animal, attack so fast that a normal human can't react, survive hits that could seriously harm a normal man (Like being hit by baseball bats in weak areas.), endure falling high enough to break a bone, withstand being stabbed in fatal areas and still be able to fight, and lastly capable of defeating a Bear with just their bare hands alone.

D-rank(Intermediate Realm)

-People on this level has the physical strength and speed exceed the levels of Earth Humans and are more powerful than any records on earth which means their speed, strength, and senses, are far more than ours, their abilities could do we could ever dream on like breaking stones with our bare hands, bending steel with so much ease, lifting several tons with one hand, traveling more than 100km/h, and enhance senses which someone could see far distances, hearing incoming dangers, smell greatly like a beast, etc.

In fact, some of the strongest in this Rank could react and survive from normal firearms.

C-rank(Master Realm)

-People at C-rank are numerous times stronger than the rest of the ranks below it. While they aren't very strong compared to the levels above it, it is still so strong at a monstrous level compared to regular humans, just one alone could evenly match against more than 100 Man.

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