Tsuki X Hinata Part 3

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So I like this story quite a bit... enough to do part 3

Please be aware of said following warnings ⚠️
Self Hate
Mention/attempted offing


Tsukishima POV

A cold hand woke me up, opening my eyes I wiped the sleep from them. Seeing my mother and her worried face made it worse, I knew she was upset I didn't tell her anything but she's been gone working and I didn't want to bother her.

"Tsukishima Kei... why didn't you call me or at least your brother? Your temp is 104 degrees do you understand how serious this is?" She moved the take the covers off yelling for my brother "Akiteru... come help me, were taking him to the hospital"

Voices and words went in one ear and out the other, starting to pass it again. Coughing I threw up once again "come on little bro let's get you some help" I felt myself being lifted up.

Unable to keep my eyes opened I shut them drifting off to sleep again.

Hinata POV

It was dark and late but I was actually worried about Tsukishima, what if something happened. I mean he didn't show up to practice and I don't even know where he went on Friday either. Riding ny bike down the street I made a few turns before making it to his house.

When I got there I set my bike down, walking to the front door I knocked. Waiting a minute or so I knocked again still not getting a response. Am I at the right house? Pulling out my phone I dialed Yamaguchis number.

He picked up "Hey its late are you ok?" Sighing I told him about how I was worried. He said he was top, he called earlier but it went straight to voice-mail.

There no car either, not even his parents are home. I can't wait here all night, mom will be calling me soon if I don't get home. Not wanting to leave I pushed myself to.

Tsukishima POV

I woke up when I felt something pinch me, hands were on me holding me down. Confused I only moved around more, seeing my moms co-nurses I stilled.

"Hey baby it's ok" nurse Remi patted my head to soothe me. Calming I ket them poke me, blood flowed through the line into a tube. Once they were done they gave me fluids and told me to rest.

My mom and brother sat in the chairs next to me "Neither one of you needs to be here, you both just got off of work" I mumbled. Mom grabbed my hand "honey it doesn't matter if I just got home from war... your my baby and it's my job to take care of you"

~ Days later because I'm still bad at transitions ~

I still feel like crap, I hadn't been able to leave the hospital for three days now. All I can do is throw up and sleep, but I was finally feeling better.

The nurses took everything out of my arm and discharged me, Akiteru took me home since mom had to stay here and work. Helping me to the car I got in, the caride home was silent.

"There's something wrong.. you can tell me you know" he told me. I told him everything, breaking down and crying about how mean I was to the person I loved. About how I only ever screw things up and how that it's my fault I was sick. Worrying mom and how I just wanted to let things go.

He let me cry and vent, eventually putting myself to sleep. When I woke up it was morning, sun shining in my room blinding me. It was a pretty day but I still feel like shit.

I was home alone, getting up I slowly made my way to the bathroom to clean up. Taking a hot shower to offset the cold feeling that still surrounds me.

I thought about how the others were doing, probably much better now that they don't have to deal with me. After my hands started to wrinkle I decided it was time to get out. I finally stopped puking but I still felt bad.

Drying off and dressing, seeing my phone I turned it on realizing I hadn't had it the past week. Once the screen turned on my phone was bombarded with notifications a d missed calls.

37 missed calls....

107 texts...


I cleared it all, not reply nor calling anyone back. It's already 11am, I was released there's no reason for me to miss more school. Changing into my school uniform I grabbed my bag heading out the door.

Locking the door I texted Akiteru I was leaving the house, he called telling me to go back home and rest. Scolding me since I had only left the hospital yesterday, I told him I was already walking through the gates and I would be staying.

My chest was tight, hurting and heart pounding. What the hell? Am I really this sick from a fucking cold? Knocking then stepping into the classroom I apologized for being late and disturbing.

Taking my seat I saw Yamaguchis eyes widen, to be fair most of them were staring for some reason. He ran up catching me, falling forward.

"S-sorry" I apologized. Holding onto the desk, he started to guide me out of the room.

"Hey, where are you taking me? I just need to get to my desk I'll be fine" he tsked at me. Refusing to take me to my desk.

Leaning off of him I gripped the desk for a minute regaining my strength, taking a deep breath I made it to my desk sitting down. Pulling out my books snd pens I started to take notes while everyone stared.

"Tsukishima, you shouldn't be here" the teacher said. Her voice was distant and I was losing consciousness but I was determined to stay.

My eyes drooped until I saw black, hearing fading and mind slowing. Not soon after I heard the bell for lunch ring waking me. I forgot lunch, oh well. It's probably not the best choice anyways.

Sitting up someone sat beside me "Tsuki, we've been calling you and you never answered? You've been out for days and you never came to practice the other day either" Yamaguchi seemed concerned.

"It's nothing you need to worry about" I told him. He sighed, leaving the subject alone. I stood shakily to get something to drink, slowly making my way out of the room and down the hall. I was starting to feel bad again.

Putting my money into the machine I quickly grabbed and gulped the drink down. Hearing the bell snd someone running I slid down the wall sitting in the floor hiding in the corner, I won't make it to the nurses in enough time.

Foot steps slow to a stop, feet entered my blurry vision. Orange hair and pale skin, why is Hinata here?

"Tsukishima? Hey, hey" he called.

I nodded and waved, he sat down in front of me. His movements made me dizzy, a soft hand touch my forehead "Your hot"

"It's fine you should be in class" I scolded him. He shook his head sitting closer pulling me to him. I had no strength to get up, so I let him move me. I laid across his lap, his hand running through my hair.

"I love you" I whispered to myself, letting myself fall asleep.


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