fifteen | The Dive

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DANIELLE SITS IN HER ROOM AT THE EDGE OF THE BED, staring at the Walkman in her hand. She hadn't listened to it in months. Maybe years. Now she didn't have a choice. Listen to the Walkman tape or die.

There was a knock on her door and Max stood there.

"The dog's still here," Max says, "So either mom doesn't care or she's completely ignoring her existence."

Danielle smiles before looking back at the Walkman. Max notices and makes her way into Danielle's room as she sits down beside her sister. She doesn't say anything, just looks at the Walkman and she notices the tape inside and sighs.

"Stand By Me," Max says softly.

"When we were kids, mom and dad would play the record and we'd dance around the living room," Danielle says softly, "You would stand on dad's feet and mom would spin me around until I couldn't stand up because I was so dizzy."

"I remember that," Max says.

Danielle smiles as she looks at her sister, "Why have one Mayfield when you could have two?"

"Don't joke about this," Max says firmly, "This wasn't supposed to happen to you."

"It wasn't supposed to happen to you either," Danielle says.

Max shakes her head, "What are we going to do?"

Danielle puts the headphones around her neck and looks at her sister with a small smile, "We're going to survive. That's what we're going to do."

"Mayfield sisters take on Vecna?" Max asks.

Danielle nods her head, "Mayfield sisters take on Vecna."

Max smiles at her and wraps her arms around Danielle, hugging her. Danielle hugs her back and the two of them stay like that for a moment. They separate and Danielle reaches out, affectionately flicking her sister on the forehead.

"Ow," Max says as she rubs her forehead and pinches Danielle back.

"Hey!" Danielle says as she pinches Max back.

"You started it!" Max retorts.

Danielle rolls her eyes as she stands from the bed, shoving her Walkman into the pocket of her jacket, "Did you feed Mayfield?"

"That's what you call the dog?" Max asks.

"I wanted you to name her," Danielle responds, "I was just calling her Mayfield till you got the chance."

"Kate Bush," Max answers, "We're naming her Kate Bush Mayfield."

Danielle laughs and nods her head, "Okay, Kate Bush it is."

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