Episode 107 Captain Marvel VS Shazam

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It's been a few days since team Rwby watched the Death Battle between Black Widow and Widowmaker.

Here we see them after another long week of classes we see the girls prep themselves for another death battle.

Ruby: " Alright girls, another episode then we go to bed." Ruby said as she cued the episode.


(*Cues: Wiz & Boomstick - Brandon Yates*)

Wiz: Many with great power choose to take up the responsibility of being a hero, but for others, it is thrust upon them when they least expect it.

Yang: " Like Ruby with her silver eyes" Yang pointed out.

Ruby: " Hey thats- okay no that's true." Ruby said.

Boomstick: Like Captain Marvel, the high flying Avenger.

Weiss: " Wait wasn't she killed by Android 18?" Weiss asked recalling a previous episode with her and Android 18.

Blake: " Yeah but I guess this a redemption episode." Blake said.

Wiz: And Shazam, the literal boy turned hero of the Justice League.

Yang: " Man he looks hot." Yang commented.

Weiss: " Yang he's too young for you." Weiss said creeped out.

Yang: " I ment when he's a superhero." Yang clarifed.

Weiss: " Hm, alright but still creepy." Weiss replied.

Yang: " Alright I'll wait for him to be older." Yang said.

Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.

# Captain Marvel

Wiz: Before she would take up her superhero mantle, Carol was an army brat, raised by Joe and Marie Danvers.

Weiss: " Huh, didn't know that." Weiss said.

Boomstick: Inspired by her U.S. Navy Dad, Carol joined the Air Force at eighteen, with the hopes of one day becoming an astronaut, which sounds really cool, except, y'know, comic book outer space is way more dangerous than real outer space, which is already... y'know, pretty friggin' dangerous. Arnold! Don't take off your-

(Arnold from the Magic School Bus is shown removing his helmet in space, making his head instantly freeze.)

Ruby: " AHHHHHH!!!! WHY?!?" Ruby screamed as she saw the frozen head.

Yang: " Woah, woah sis relax it's just a cartoon." Yang said reassuring Ruby.

Ruby: " Oh heh, right." Ruby said.

Boomstick: Nooooo!

Wiz: You're not far off. After becoming head of security at NASA, Carol was caught up in an alien struggle, which resulted in an explosion of a device called the Psyche-Magnitron.

Boomstick and RWBY: The whatzit-now?

Wiz: The Psyche-Magnitron was designed to bestow superhuman powers to the alien species known as the Kree. Caught close to the explosion, Carol seemed to be unaffected.

Yang: "Or so they thought." Yang said.

Boomstick: But, plot twist, her mom was an alien Kree all along.

Weiss: " Wait what?" Weiss asked confused by this.

Ruby: " I thought her powers were given to her when Mar-vell's DNA merged with her DNA giving her super powers ." Ruby said.

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