Seventh Year // Chapter 11

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By the rate that time was going by, it must be getting close to late March to early or mid-April by now. Luna's birthday had come and gone, as Draco came to visit the day of her birthday so it was known to us a timeline at that point, although he hadn't been down since. That night I heard him getting shouted at by Lucius followed by the screams of Narcissa as a sound of a fight broke out above. I hoped that Draco hadn't gotten caught and that he was just in trouble for not cleaning his room or something. However, as the days ticked by, and he never returned... my hopes were getting smaller and smaller. 

I was sitting beside the door on the floor when I heard voices above in the salon. Bella's voice shrieked loudly, and the clattering of something hit the floor. I instantly scrambled away from the door, along with everyone else in the cellar. We knew when Bella was shouting, it meant someone was going to get the shit either beaten out of them or scared out of them. So saying we were cautious was an understatement. However heavy footfalls and muffled grunts were saying otherwise. I was taking a chance and peeking around a corner when I saw two people my age getting thrown into the room by Peter.

"NO! NOO!" One boy got up and started shaking the door. "LET US OUT YOU FOUR-TOED RAT!" I let out a small gasp, as the voice was one that I hopes to not hear down here, yet missed so dearly that it was one that the sound had me nearly to tears with joy. 

"Ronnie?" I stepped out from the corner and looked over at my twin. Tears filled my eyes. 

"Lori?" Ron asked in disbelief. 

"Ronnie!" I cried running over to him. Ron walked forward with his arms open and we crashed together. He rubbed the back of my head like I was a cat, and we just hugged and hugged like if we released each other, we would disappear. 

"You're alive!" Ron said finally releasing the hug, but cupping my face.

"I am. You are too." I said wiping a tear that rolled down his cheek. 

"I was so scared that they had killed you, or worse," Ron said pulling me back into another hug. 

"I'm fine, Ronnie. I'm fine." I muttered into his shoulder. Just as I felt him take a breath to speak, shrieking was heard from upstairs. I jumped back as Ron sprinted to the door. 

"HERMOINE!" Ron shouted up the steps. Hermione's screams rang out throughout the manor. I winced as I started to hear Bellatrix's insane laughter. I walked over to Ron and took his hand.

"Ron, no amount of banging will get this gate to open." 

"No, but I can." A voice said from the stairs. I looked over and saw Draco sliding down the stairs on his arse, trying not to be seen. 

"Oi! Go away we don't want your help!" Harry said coming to the door. "You're probably going to just hex us the second we step foot out of here."

"Shut up, Potter! I just saved your life up there."

"Well, we wouldn't need saving if your father wasn't such a bleeding prick!" shouted Harry. I quickly walked over and pulled Harry off the door and pulled Ron back as well. 

"Will you all stop with this 'who has the bigger dick routine'?! We are in peril right now, and if Mum was looking at the clock right now, she would be screaming up a storm about Ron and me at this moment. So will you both quit it!" I snapped, before turning to Draco. "You would really get us out of here? You would -"

"- risk my life for yours?" Draco cut me off, he sighed and lifted his shirt. There on the side of his body was a bruise the size of a cantaloupe. "Believe me, I don't think that is in question anymore," he said with a small laugh. I couldn't help but smirk at his attitude but stopped as a cracking sound came from behind. We all looked to see a small little house-elf standing in the middle of the floor. 

Through All the Pain  // N. LongbottomWhere stories live. Discover now