Chapter 40

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Several months have passed. Keith has been doing a lot of work with the blades. Unfortunately that caused some tension on the team for the past few months. Even Keith and I have had our problems, we had our first argument, real argument a few weeks back. Things haven't been the same since. At the moment, we're helping escort refugees. Just as we attached our lions to the last few ships, Keith flies over and attaches to the last ship.

"Well look who decided to show up." Pidge says.

"Yeah, are you even taking this seriously?" Lance asks, I stay silent.

"Sorry I'm late." Keith replies. Nobody says anything after that. When we deliver the ships, Keith leaves to talk to Shiro. I'm standing next to Pidge when I feel eyes on me. I turn and make eye contact with Keith, we hold contact for a few seconds before I turn away.


"Okay everybody, today, we'll be heading to Reiphod, a planet recently liberated from Galra forces." Coran says from where we're all gathered on the main room. 

"This is embarrassing. We're basically the grand marshal of a parade." Keith speaks up.   

"Not a parade, a show of arms!"

"What ever it is, this is the second one of theses we've done this week." Pidge says.

"I know it's not fighting the Galra, but believe it or not, this helps up boost moral and strengthen alliances. " Allura speaks up.

"Right strongholds, blah-dy, blah-dy,blah. Now I say we go over our lion choreography one more time. I don't want a repeat of what happened last time, Hunk." Lance says with a look to Hunk.

"I thought my lion had more room."

"Shiro, my apologies for interrupting, but this is an important matter." Kolivan appeared on the screen, making us all stop. "A Galra supply ship has been spotted passing through the Quadrant Omega Rayler Six."

"What's it doing so far from the normal supply routes?" Shiro asks.

"We can't be certain, but taken together with the fact that Lotor hasn't been seen in months and the emergence of this new form of quintessence, we feel compelled to investigate. Normally we would wait for better intel, but I believe we should act on this now."

"I'll send Voltron to intercept."

"An infiltration mission would make more sense. We can plant a tracker and see just how far the supply routes expand. With all the Galra activity my agents are spread thin."

"Not anymore, count me in." 

"Of course." I muttered and crossed my arms.

"Hey, what about our performance? We can't razzle dazzle the crowd with just five lions." Lance exclaims.

"This mission is more important than a show of arms." 

"Just let him go." Everyone turns at my words. "Obviously the Blades are more important than us." Keith tries to protest but I keep my gaze on the ground.

"How long will it take?" Shiro asks Kolivan.

"Not long, but we must act fact, or we risk the ship jumping into hyperspace."

"Go. But meet us on Reiphod when you're done." 


"Citizens of Reiphod, on this day, we honor you for your perseverance. Your refusal to bow down in the face of such adversity is a testament to the fighting spirit of your people. You've put aside your differences and united to dispel the oppressive Galra reign, bringing freedom to all! We thank you for joining the coalition and counting to fight against the Galra that began with the reemergence of the six lions of Voltron." As Coran announced the lions we all flew out, twirling in the air. 

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