Antics Of A Child.

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Elizabeth's POV-


A feeling so foreign these past few weeks. I was happy. We were happy. Robbie and I. Beyond happy. He was the high school guitarist I found myself falling head over heels for. Though distance parted us when we went to separate colleges our connection never broke, in fact grew stronger. Only when this opportunity presented itself did it cause a separation. A family in LA that was his dream, alongside his music career, but I was far from ready to settle down, especially with children. So in an agreement, the two of us called an end to our 5 year relationship. Leaving me broken and numb.

So when watching the girl blow a gust of air towards the dandelion, loosening the petals allowing them to float in the air somehow began mending the void he had left. Her childish antics brought warmth to my heart. A smile always displayed when around her. The familiar feeling of happiness had returned.

"Did you know, staring is considered as a form of creepiness" Y/n breaks the silence, meeting my gaze "But by the looks of it, you seem to be admiring. May I ask what is so captivating about myself?" Unable to utter a word in response as embarrassment washes over me, the girl continues to pry "My hair? Most have complimented. Eyes are out of the option due to the fact I was looking ahead, unless you were visualising them? Face? No, that is an unappealing factor of mine" she shakes her head, leaning back. Prompting herself up on her elbows "I think I may have hit the nail on the head, was it my outstanding personality that has captured your attention?" I roll my eyes, scoffing playfully
"You're so full of yourself"

Her smile was wide. Joy in her honey eyes. With help from the sun, they gleamed brighter. Dimples pierce her cheeks. Her body rises and falls with every gentle breathe she needs. Such beauty held yet with her glasses she is blind to see what most do. My heart sorrows for the girl. Just wanting to shower her with endless complements.

"You're a fool" I simply state
"Pardon?" Her shoulders tense
"You're a fool for thinking your face is unappealing. It's far from, quite the opposite to be exact" I lay back against the grass. Watching as clouds breeze through the oceanic sky above. "With all due respect Elizabeth-"
Y/n tries to argue back but I don't allow her to continue
"When one compliments someone, the other accepts. Refusing a kind gesture only hurts the person who spoke the words" I turn my head to have my gaze back on the girl "You wouldn't want to hurt me now, would you Mycroft?" Nothing but sweet innocents came from my tone
"No, Elizabeth. I wouldn't dare dream of it"
"Good. Now come, lay by me and watch the world slowly turn" with no further questions or hesitation, Y/n laid herself beside me. The graze of her knuckles against mine sent me into a state of calm. Relaxation was to be felt whenever around her. She truly was comforting.

"Thank you" I breathe out
"For what, Elizabeth?" The girl questions
"Everything. You've done more than you know of" I reply honestly "I know I thanked you a couple of nights ago but I want to thank you again. In all honesty Y/n, you truly allow me to breathe. Suffocation was all I felt before coming here" turning my head to once again look at her, only to meet those shimmering hazel eyes "When around you I can be myself with no feel of judgment. I can only hope you feel the same when around me"
"That I do, Elizabeth" I look between her eyes, trying to find a tell but there was none to be found. She was genuine. A familiar silence fell over the two of us. Not uncomfortable nor awkward but peaceful. Allowing us to listen to the world around.

Home. Most told me it was a place you'd settle down in but that has found to be a lie. Home isn't a four wall building in which you decorate.  It isn't the place I left behind. Home is the person laying beside me watching as the flock of sparrows fly through the air. Safe. Something I hadn't felt for a while. Yet she made it feel safe. Safe to be vulnerable and open.

"Daises are like people"
"Can you elaborate?" I raise a brow in curiosity
"Most see them but not all stop to admire them. A shame really, daisies may be simple but hold such delicacy and beauty" Y/n explains, threading the stem of one through another, linking them together. She pokes the tip of her tongue out between her lips, focusing all her attention on the making of the crown.

"May I?" She lifts it up gently, being cautious. I nod, bowing my head. Delicately placing the flower crown upon my hair, she sits back. "Pulchra" rolls of her tongue with ease, while I remain confused as to the word she spoke. Though when I asked, Y/n shook her head. Dismissing the comment. I continued to pry, with a few pokes to her body, but was still left with a foreign word and no explanation.

This girl's making me a fool.


FYI, Robbie is just a side character. This is the only time he'll probably be mentioned.

Pulchra= Beautiful in Latin. I'm using Google translate I'm not as smart as Y/n. Don't come for me ✌️

Anyways, stay frosty my dudes ✨👌

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