Escape as she pulls out a strap-on

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Rias sighed hard.

"Honestly, I feel like I just want to crawl under something and sleep until next week." Rias confessed to Akeno who nodded her head.

"...I feel the same, Rias-chan." Akeno sighed in an unusually serious way. "It's been... a week? A bit less than a week, actually, since Issei 'died' and became Momon... Well, I can't say it hasn't been entertaining but... "

"...But this is getting ridiculous." Rias finished Akeno's speech and the raven-black haired girl nodded.

The two girls were sitting beside Gasper's bed, as the petite cross-dressing vampire boy hadn't woken up with the rest of Rias's ex-Peerage and now-Momon's Peerage. Rias had gathered from the people sane during the combat episode that apparently Gasper had dived into the maddening ink, somehow having shifted into some kind of mad deformed dragon, and had pulled the group out of it and then eaten a whole group of undead 'Death Knights' alone.

Both feats made Rias honestly flabbergasted, as it indicated that Gasper had acquired full control over his Sacred Gear and all its powers, that until now had been next to useless due to its overwhelming potency and Gasper's lacking control over it. 'Just... What did Momon and Gasper chat about, back when he disappeared for ten minutes from the student council room and somehow recruited Gasper?'

The door opened and the enigma in question slipped in as if he was avoiding something, at least based on the way he slammed the door shut and panted hard while leaning against it. "Haaa... I think I lost her... Good, I must have lost her... This is bad, invoking my Chuuni is reaching critical levels, I can't hold it back much longer..."

"Ara? That's... ominous." Akeno commented, causing Momon to jump a bit after stabilizing himself.

"Greetings, Akeno-san, Rias-san. I didn't expect you two to be here." Momon commented after pausing to catch his expression which had grown quite ominous after noticing Rias, and causing the red-head to pause as well.

"Ah, is everything alright?" Rias asked as Momon's formal words caused her quite a bit of confusion. '...It's odd he's this reserved, considering... well, that we're now married, sort of...'

She shook her head mentally, attributing Momon's seriousness to Gasper's state, which must be causing him at least some stress. Rias knew that it caused at least her quite a bit of stress- knowing that one of her family members, even if Gasper was technically no longer in Gremory's Peerage, was suffering.

"No, it's just, umu, some things happened." Momon nodded, his face practically plastered with confused, resigned and tired emotions. "Just... When we retire for the night, don't be surprised if there's more girls there. I have no clue either."

"What?" Rias paused from the words, then shook her head. "Right, I'll ask them then. I honestly feel like my head would explode if I asked you right now."

"That's acceptable. And in regards to recent events making your head feel like exploding, then know that I feel the same." Momon sighed while taking a seat beside Gasper's bed. "How is Gasper-san doing?"

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