Question why police have dive-bombers

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The Great Red, the True Dragon, was floating in the Dimensional Gap, a 'space' or the 'anti-space' between the realms of existence such as Underworld, Human World, Heaven, and countless others.

It occasionally poked holes into the 'layers' of the dimensional gap, causing them to collapse upon themselves and suck whoever was unfortunate to be near the 'reality' part of the gap into the Dimensional Gap, and then when the 'existence' and 'nonexistence' met, an explosion of gigantic proportions resulted.

Indeed, it had gotten quite a bit of practise of what it considered 'cool' maneuvers by poking multiple holes in quick succession and then 'flying' through the explosions while putting on a pair of gigantic sunglasses while facing away from the explosions...

Something exploded somewhere in the Dimensional Gap as the Great Red contemplated making another 'explosive run'.

The fact something had exploded in the Gap that wasn't caused by the dragon gave it ample cause to investigate the disturbance, but when he 'arrived' the place was already clean of evidence, and only a vague feeling of 'boom' was left.

The Great Red felt a bit wary so it flew over to a 'barrier' of sorts, triple-checking that it was in place and holding stable.

It had felt something alien attempt to pass through the Dimensional Gap and into the 'Reality' that lied beyond, and the dragon had stood to stop it. I had managed to mostly do so, sealing it behind a massive barrier, but a drop had spilled over and landed somewhere not in the Dimensional Gap.

The fact worried Great Red quite a bit, as it had taken over the duty of guarding the Dimensional Gap from the beings beyond it, the Outer Beings that haunted the both the stars, their warm-hearted sons and daughters, and the void beyond them.

...Mostly because the dragon who had lived in the Dimensional Gap had become scatter-brained and had left it, leaving it ripe for invasions, and making Great Red 'bite the bullet', so to speak. The fact the Dimensional Gap was a growth-bed for some of the biggests explosions in reality and not-reality was an added bonus that only slightly affected the Great Red's decision to invade Ouroboros Dragon's home, rummage through her stuff and kick her out when she tried to come back.

The Great Red sighed as the barrier seemed to hold whatever was sealed beyond it.

The dragon turned and 'flew' away, the memory of the alien explosions causing the creature some odd thoughts.




"Hm, quite. It looks like [Boost] does what it advertises." Momonga mused as he lied on his back. "I'll have to remember to cast [Fly] before using area-of-effect abilities, or at least not stand on buildings as while [Body of Effulgent Beryl] can be activated to negate the blunt damage, the building or ground I stand on is going to get tossed around and lose stable footing. Not to mention that using [Boost] also doubles the mana drain, which means I need to be a bit careful or I'll burn my reserves off with just one or two spells..."

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