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“I’ll be back.”

Nabel kissed her cheek once more.

He didn’t need to worry about the public display of affection as   would take care of those who were watching.

In fact, Nesha was glaring at those standing behind them while Ronée and Nabel whispered loving words to each other.

“If you don’t want your heads to fly, pretend you didn’t see anything here!”

His stony-faced expression demanded it.

Ronée received several kisses on the cheek from Nabel under the pretext of a greeting, and then disappeared into the tower.

Nabel did not take his eyes off of Ronée for a moment, even after she entered the tower.

Previously, the mage’s tower was glowing brightly, but now it was cloaked in darkness.

However, the tower would gradually regain its original brightness as the owner of the Shinsu ascended the stairs.

“I can’t believe we are about to witness the awakening of a new Master of a Shinsu.”

“Isn’t this the result of the Iver’s blessing?”

The mages were still bursting from excitement at seeing Shinsu with their own eyes. As each floor of the tower began to light up, revealing its structure, their hopes grew while they waited for the ninth floor to be revealed.

Nabel’s gaze immediately shifted to the second floor the moment it lit up.

Ronée was ascending the tower at a rapid pace. Then, in a split second, the third floor was flooded with a brilliant light.

‘The moment my sister reaches the 9th floor, the fog will be lifted.’

‘But she won’t be able to see my expression properly.’

‘I’m sure she will be scared.’

So, he wouldn’t move an inch until Ronée safely reached the ground. Her red cape would be seen clearly, even with the significant distance.

A moment later, the lights on the fifth floor turned on.


But all of a sudden, a strange sound could be heard coming from the side of the tower.

Due to the countless years spent on the battlefield, Nabel knew immediately that something ominous was about to occur.


He summoned Nesha without averting his eyes from the tower.

Nesha had been always wary of his surroundings, so it came as no surprise that he was also staring at the tower blankly.

“Yes, your Majesty.”

“Did you hear-.”

He was just about to ask Nesha if the strange noise originated from the tower.

But the next moment, Nabel was at a loss for words.


A giant fire rose from the fifth floor of the tower.

And the cause seemed to be an explosion.

* * * * * * *


The sound of an explosion could be heard in the distance.

Instinctively, Ronée closed her eyes tightly and covered her face with her hands

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