Chapter 74

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Chapter 74

Marissa's POV

There was a killing silence in my head that didn't disappear for days. For the first few days, there was tremendous rage bubbling up inside me and then, slowly it started to go away. The world was moving in a pace of an tortoise—at least for me. The days weren't even passing.

At all.

I threw my hand over Hannah and heard a chuckle.

Peeling my eye lids open, I spun around on the bed and found Lucas standing and laughing at us. "Sleep brings you two way too closer and not in a friendly way." He laughed while shaking his head and setting a tray of food on the table beside my bed. "Your Mom made this for you."

I whipped myself away from Hannah, "Ew!"

"You might just kiss her next time you sleep with her." He joked before sitting down.

I forced Hannah to wake up and then darted my head at Lucas, "I'm not gay!" It had just been a couple of days since I started sleeping with her. We were both shedding tears at the same time and thought if we shed together, it would be much better.

"Oh, don't hide. You have all the chance in the world now." Hannah groaned, sliding herself up and fixing her hair.

"She's not wrong."

"Please," I rolled my eyes and got off the bed before they assumed anything else. "I have no interest in girls...or anyone." I murmured while sifting through the breakfast Mom made for me and Hannah who had been crashing with us.

"Yeah, except for the dungeon player slash Alpha who you killed yourself for and ruined your sanity. We all know that, Marissa." Hannah blabbered as she fixed herself up.

"At least not the bitch who disappeared three days after getting a taste of you and isn't seen anywhere as of now." I gave her the same, cruel energy and her jaw hung.

"Okay, but we were not toxic to each other and I didn't have to sacrifice myself to the Gods to get together. She only left after you all forced her too." Hannah was calm, even after I gave her all the remarks about her girlfriend.

"I didn't sacrifice myself to any God!" I exclaimed with a piece of blueberry piece in my hands. "At least I didn't betray my own friend and mated with the enemy." The argument was intense but I was enjoying it.

"At least I'm not going to be some random child's step mother." She smiled.

I slammed my hand against the table and rumbled out a growl of anger. It was something I never wanted to hear. I wouldn't have cared if Xalorad had fucked someone else for one-night but I was mad over the fact that he knocked someone up and he was nowhere to be seen now.

"I'm sorry." Hannah whispered, reaching out to me.

"No. It's okay. It's the truth—the fucking truth." I gritted my teeth together and leaned back while still holding the pie. I wanted to crush it just as I wanted to crush my mate.

"What are you going to do?" She asked, standing beside me.

"Nothing. Even if I wanted to talk, I couldn't. He's nowhere to be found. I checked everything. It's like he disappeared, probably with that bitch." I grunted and kicked my leg over the table. I had been absorbed in my anger against him so much that I couldn't concentrate on anything—the school, the tournament.

The second round of the tournament was today. It was delayed a bit due to distractions. Hannah and I were going in zone. Today was all about battling with other pack members and I was more than ready for it. I wanted to pour out my frustration somewhere.

"Do you think they are together?" Lucas broke his silence shortly after seeing us fight like cats. "Your mate and your woman." He continued.

"Why would they be?" We both said in a union.

"Because they are cousins."

"Yeah, terrible ones!" I reminded him.

Xalorad never wanted to see Artemis. Even though he had worked out his grudge against her, he still hated her and being around her. Them being together, at one place, scheming something was almost impossible.


"I'm going to head to school..." I said, dragging my pie along with me to the shower. "...alone. I've something to do before the tournament."

"All right. I'm just going to go with Lucas then." Hannah said before filling her mouth up with food.

I hadn't told either of my parents of Xalorad's betrayal yet. I didn't want to disappoint them so I kept it hidden for as long as I could. The only people who did know were Hannah and Lucas and I wanted to keep it that way.

Once I had gotten ready, I left and instead of going to school, I ran circles around the Elias Manor in my car, for several minutes. It was oddly quite around. There was only one guard at the gate which was opened wide.

I had done this almost every morning, trying to find Xalorad but there wasn't a single time he was here. It had been days already. Was he supposed to talk to me or was I? It made my heart ache knowing that he had just disappeared without saying anything. The silence just made everything worse.

There were nights I had cried myself to sleep. I literally just wanted to talk.

I slowly took another round across the street but this time, I saw Ms. Cathy standing outside, just behind the gate.

"Your engine sounds terrible, Marissa. You should just come inside." She sighed. I looked at her for a long moment. "He's not here but you look like you need some comfort and I need less of that sound every morning." She wavered her finger across my car.

My mouth hung. It wasn't that bad.

I took a turn in the house and parked my car before getting out. "Sorry for causing noise trouble." I mumbled while shoving my hands inside the pockets of my jacket.

"I should be the one apologizing for my son's atrocious behaviour, not you. I raised Xal to be a devoted man to whoever he mated with and now, I'm just reflecting on all the values I had taught him." She said, walking slowly inside the house with her posture tight.

I copied her and straightened my back before following her inside the Manor. "Did he come here?" I asked.

Ms. Cathy took a long breath, deep enough to make me anxious. She turned around and replied, "No but I would suggest to give him some time. He claims that he's trying to make it right."


"There is no right in this, isn't it?"

She shrugged, "There might be. You just have to trust him."

"I did, once." I lowered my eyes in the shame I had bought upon my own self. Was it really over? "I assume he's going to return after full nine months, maybe a year."

"Don't say that, Marissa." Even his mother felt pity for me. She had a sympathetic look in her eyes along with some guilt.

"We mated," I closed my eyes and my heart tore inside. "He marked me. We were supposed to be together." I sobbed quietly while trying to make sense of things.

What was going to happen?

"I'm sorry."

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