Chapter 33: A Welcome Feast

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The best way I could describe this retreat was like walking into an important business event I knew I had no business taking part in. The minute we drove onto Grimfur's territory, it wasn't hard to tell that I was out of place. Sure, everyone here was dressed in casual clothing, including Vincent and the rest of our group, but I didn't walk with the same power or confidence they did.

My posture wasn't the straightest. My chin wasn't raised high. And my mannerisms were bleak in comparison to the other wolves. I wanted to go back to Calamitous immediately. At least, there, I felt like I belonged under the member's hateful and curious, scorching gazes. There, I knew where I stood with the pack. Here? Not so much.

I dragged my clammy hands across my jeans, hoping to rid them of the sticky sweat, as we followed one of Grimfur's member's to what she referred to as the main pack house; apparently, a large house where their guests usually resided during times like these.

"Merrick sends his apologies again for not being able to greet you upon your arrival. Soon, he'll be free, but for now, he's asked that I come fetch you myself," the woman said, smiling. Her waist-long silky black hair and freckled brown skin brought out her smile even more. Ever since she greeted us at the entrance of their territory, she'd been all smiles.

The entrance was a few miles down the road from here. Vincent wasn't joking when he said this place was like a city. I'd have mistaken it for one if I was a passerby just traveling through. It was far enough from civilization but it wasn't in the mountains like Calamitous was. It wasn't built like a small town or a cozy village either. Rather, it resembled an urban area surrounded by miles of trees. Except there were no buildings. Just multi-shaded brown houses everywhere.

"Thank you, um—" Vincent trailed off.

"Miranda," she said, nodding, "the pack addresses me as Lady Miranda. But just Miranda is fine. After all, we'll be spending a weekend together. I think we can drop the formalities."

Lady Miranda? Did that mean she was the alpha's mate? It'd have made a lot more sense if she were. Most of the wolves we'd passed thus far treated her with respect. Some had even bowed their heads in greeting. I assumed it was just a pack thing, but it was clear now, it was an important formality thing. They recognized her position.

"Thank you, Miranda," Vincent replied.

A large mansion-like house, with short lush green trees, a beautiful manicured lawn, and a path made of cobblestone stretching from its polished double doors, sat ahead. I tried not to gape in awe at the property. It had the same cabin-like home feel as Vincent's house in Calamitous. But it was a lot bigger and a lot more luxurious. Damn, this place was gorgeous.

"Well, here, we are," Miranda announced as we followed her inside. An old red and brown patterned carpet graced our feet, then I noticed the brown chandelier dangling above our heads.

"All of you will be staying upstairs in the right-wing of the house. Hmm, we've prepared three rooms for your arrival but there are seven of you. . ."

Vincent smiled. "That's fine, Miranda. We'll manage." She nodded, content. Then, she guided us to our designated rooms. The rooms in question were around a corner at the furthest end of the second hall. Two beside each other, one across. Even the lighting was great here. I felt like I was back at the resort we'd just stayed overnight in.

"By the way, there will be a feast later tonight to welcome all of the packs who've attended. I hope to see you all there," Miranda said, handing Vincent three pairs of keys.

"We will be sure to attend. Thank you, again." Vincent worked his charm. Sometimes, it amazed me to see him in action interacting with other wolves. It took no effort once so ever.

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