Chapter 3

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nobody's  POV



It was going just fine  before  Gaia came 

Under his feet, the earth rippled as if Half-Blood Hill had become a giant water mattress. Demigods fell. Ogres slipped. Centaurs charged face-first into the grass. AWAKE, a voice boomed all around them. A hundred yards away, at the crest of the next hill, the grass and soil swirled upward like the point of a massive drill. The column of earth thickened into the twenty-foot-tall figure of a woman – her dress woven from blades of grass, her skin as white as quartz, her hair brown and tangled like tree roots .'Little fools.' Gaia the Earth Mother opened her pure green eyes. 'The little magic of your statue can not contain me.' As she said it Percy realized that the magic of the Athena Parthenos protected the demigods against the wrath of the Earth but even Athena's power can only last so long. As we fought our way through the monsters to Gaia we heard a cry of great pain ( the deaths begin )" Jason " yelled Piper, as I looked behind I, saw that he was hit with multiple boulders thrown by the Earthborn  "Piper" croaked Jason  " shush, don't talk Jason try to preserve energy  " " Move on " said Jason as his life left his body " NOOOOO"  I will avenge you Jason she said as she started attacking the monsters furiously as she was fighting she was impaled in the chest with a spear. frank was clubbed to death in the form of a rhino by a dozen cyclops. Hazel was burned by the hottest fire ever known,  Greek fire   I will always remember her cries of pain as she was burned alive.  Leo was drowned  by some rogue demigods  . as only me and Annebeth were left alive out of the 7 we fought harder  as we reached Gaia I saw her grab Annebeth when she was trying to fight multiple cyclopes  Gaia lift her and start to  squeeze the life out of her  Gaia shouted " say goodbye to your girlfriend Jackson " she said cruelly  as she squeezed the life out of her " NOOOOO " yelled filled with newfound strength from the rage  I started attacking Gaia " no, I will not be defeated by a puny demigod" " but you are " I said with a smirk as I thrust my sword at her heart  " Noooo "she yelled  as she turned into dirt I realized we won the war the gods and demigods were staring at me because  I had defeated Gaia single-handedly 

Time skip to when Percy enters the throne room

the war was won, the demigods were in Apollo's hospital and Percy and the other demigods that were fit to walk were entered the throne room  Zeus's voice boomed in the room "demigods you are called here to receive  the rewards we generously offer you " the demigods talked among themselves  "PERCY JACKSON " he stepped forwards and kneeled in front of Zeus " Rise  demigod as last time  we offered you immortality but you declined our generous offer for some other wishes, but this time we offer you to become an Olympian god will you decline this too" a gasp went from the crowd " no my lord I will decline this offer and ask you some wishes  " as long it is in our power we swear on the river Styx that we will do what you ask for "  " 1st I want Hades and Hestia a throne on the Olympian council as the oldest children of Kronos " a gasp went from hades and Hestia looked shocked " 2nd I want to be left alone from the Greek world for a few months "I knew that the  last wish was very selfish but i had enough of the Greek world  for a while " of cource  demigod "

Flashback end

Hey guys  this is such a sad chapter but I had to do it 

 I started crying in between as this is so sad 

word count - 684

goodbye demigods 

theredstoneingeenier out

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