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"you can run but you can't hide" the voice behind them mockingly said as the figure tries to find its preys

"Alright maybe you can hide" the figure deadpanned as it's been 2 minutes since he's searching and he already search 8 different trees and still got nothing "but it won't last for long"

"Now won't you all just give up already, I mean I already got the rest of you, it's just a matter of time till I get to you too" the figure said looking behind a tree only to get nothing but shadows of the night

It was dark and cold but the moon shone brightly as if trying its best to give light

The figure pass by a bush that was unnoticed because of the dark

Solar was crouching on the said Bush having his two hands wrap in his mouth trying not to make a sound, cyclone was besides him doing the exact same thing

Cyclone felt his shoulders relax when the monster got pass them, he then look around to find a better place to hide and plan when a cave caught his eye

He tapped solar's shoulder to get his attention and quickly motion him to follow him in to the cave, solar having no choice, no idea and no plan followed him, they got into the cave and as they went deeper and deeper they finally stopped and took a breath of relief

"Cy" solar called out while panting, cyclone looked at his brother only to have his heart broken when he took in the scene Infront of him, he's white clothes were dirty and his pants were covered with blood just as his gloves, he was sweaty and has small scar near his left eye that has dried blood, he's cap was slightly upward revealing his white steak and his visors has a crack

Cyclone was no better, his blue pants has scratches, his jacket was missing and his shirt were torn, not completely but torn enough to see the scratches and bruises in his body, his forehead was stained with dried blood just like his hand, he's hoverboard was long gone, broken and left behind with thorn and blaze dead bodies, he's cap was missing letting his hair run free

"Solar" cyclone whispered softly, solar looked at him with panic and worry

cyclone just noticed how young solar is, how young all of them are, 16 year old, they should be in highschool studying for long quizzes, they should be worried about an upcoming exam not the fate of the galaxy, they should be having fun and playing in the background, not training day and night for a suicide mission, they should be relaxing not worrying on how they could enhance their powers.

They should be at home, helping their tok aba in the shop not dying in an unknown planet

"What's going to happen now"solar asked with a small voice that made cyclone's heart ache, this is not the solar he knew "we can't stay here forever"

Cyclone was about to answer when they heard giant footsteps near the cave, cyclone put his finger in his lips signaling to solar to be quiet, he carefully stood up and walk quietly to solar

"Stay here okay, I'll go check on what's happening" cyclone whispered to his ear, seeing the panic in solar's eyes cyclone quickly promise "don't worry I'll come back okay, I promise, and I when have I ever broke my promise?"

"Never" solar said quietly and cyclone smiled at him softly kissing his head before leaving

It has been a minute and cyclone still hasn't come back, there was no sound and solar was starting to worry so he tried to distract himself

He racked his Brain trying to find a way to defeat this monster, surely he must've read something!

And it hit him

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