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Do you....


Feel so weird?

Like you're different?

You're not one of them?

You act unusual?

They don't understand you?

These things messing up your head which are not important.

Making you feel like you're the only one on the north pole and everyone else is on south.

Like they're strangers even if you know them for years.

You're not alone,
But you feel lonely.

These thoughts just invade you out of the blue and make you question a lot of things and stay in your head rentfree.

You get too caught up in it that these thoughts are all you think about.

And start getting self conscious...

Your opinion doesn't matter anymore..

All that matters is to fit in and be like them.

It's just....

You're not you anymore.

You felt so out of place that you tried to put yourself where you were supposed to be.

But is it really where you were supposed to be?

Being like them when you're not them?

Is it worth it?

Does self consciousness makes you feel better?

Does reaching up to their expectations should matter?

Or being who you actually are and what makes you comfortable should matter?
Even if you are not like them,
Even if you feel like or are..



This is written by me.

Have a good day/night 💜

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