Chapter 140

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Giyu POV
It's been 2 hours since (y/n) was admitted to the hospital. The doctor was currently doing tests to further investigate her condition.

Saya and I were in the waiting room as the tests were being done. I feel so nervous...I want to know what's going on.

My leg bounced impatiently as we waited there and Saya rested her hand on my shoulder.

When I turned my head towards her, she gave me a reassuring smile. I tried to smile back, but I don't think any expression showed on my face.

The door finally opened and the nurse walked out, motioning us to follow. Without a moments hesitation, both Saya and I stood up to follow.

The nurse lead us into a room where (y/n) was and explained some things to us before allowing us in.

"The doctor managed to wake her up, but she is heavily drugged due to pain from inflammation and lack of fluids. She is a little out of it, but she is conscious."

I nodded my head and the nurse allowed us to go in. It hurt me to know that (y/n) was going through so much pain all on her own.

When I walked in, my eyes traveled to (y/n)'s state. She must've heard the sound of the door because her head slowly turned towards us. Her (e/c) eyes squinting and slowly blinking as she tried to comprehend everything.

"(Y/n)..." I gently exclaimed and hurried to her side. I took her hand in mine. She was still warm to the touch meaning her fever was most likely there.

Saya was right by my side as she rubbed circles on my back to try and comfort me.

There was a knock at the door and the doctor walked in. He sat down on the stool and motioned for us to sit in the seats in front of him.

We complied and sat back in the seats, waiting for the news of what's going on

I could feel my fingers gripping onto my jacket as my nerves took over. In all my life, I don't think I was ever as nervous as I am now.

The doctor looked at his clipboard and ran his mind through the information that was on it.

"Is," Saya started, "Is she okay?"

The doctor looked up at us, his eyes flashing hints of both good and bad.

"In the long term, most likely, in short, not exactly."

"What do you mean?" I asked, my eyes brows furrowing.

The doctor set his clipboard on the counter top and folded his arms.

"To put it in the easiest way I can explain, the baby is growing much faster than anticipated which I believe (y/n)'s body is not strong enough to handle." He said.

"What?" Saya asked in disbelief. I tried to wrap my head around the explanation.

"So...what are we supposed to do? What are our options?" I asked.

The doctor let out a sigh and set his glasses aside, leaning into the counter behind him.

"We're still not exactly sure. This could go 1 of 3 different ways and I'm not sure which will be best."

"Stop dodging the question, what are our options?" I asked, getting annoyed.

The doctor stared at me for a moment almost like he was expecting me to know what do.

I ran my fingers through my hair as I got more and more frustrated with the lack of answering.

"Well," He finally started, "If the baby stays in the womb for the rest of the 9 months, her body might give out and we may lose her in the process. However, if we induce an early labour only 7 months in, the baby could have developmental issues and lose the baby."

I felt my heart sink, I hated both of those outcomes.

"And the third?" Saya spoke up.

"We induce early labour during the first week of 8 months and put the baby in the NICU."

"What will happen to (y/n)?" I asked. My head moving from staring at the floor and up at the doctor.

The doctor closed his eyes, "We're not sure. We think she'll have a higher probability of recovery if we go this route, but there is also the possibility of losing both her and the baby."

The room grew silent as we waited for someone to speak up or for someone to walk in with good news.

I pinched the bridge of my nose as I furrowed my eyebrows.

My mind could only think about how I was never really there for her when she needed me. I was always at work while she was doing everything on her own.

I felt Saya's hand rub small circles along my back.

"I'll let you be. You should probably discuss things together before making a decision." The doctor said and left without another word.

And we were left in silence once again. I rubbed my eyes and massaged my temples.

(Y/n), what do we do?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Wow. I'm the worst author ever I am so sorry for not updating. Yes I had work, but that is no excuse for the lack of chapters.

Therefore, I promise to update every single day the rest of the week.

If I don't...punishment to the highest degree of treason shall go to me.

I hope you're all at least doing well...I love you all <3

Stay hydrated!

Ocean Eyes [Giyu Tomioka x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now