Chpt 2: The Party

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The next day, my dad was dropping me off at school, but we had to stop off at the Byers house first.

"Did you find anything last night?" i asked. He just shook his head. I could tell he was stressed. Him and Joyce used to be close in high school so this case was more personal than the others.

We knocked on the door and Joyce flung the door open. She looked like she hadn't slept for days. "We've been waiting six hour Hop" Joyce exclaimed.

"I know, i came as soon as i could" Hopper said as we came inside. "Six hours" she said more sternly. "A little bit of trust here, all right. We've been searching all night. All the way to Cartersville" he said.

"And?!" Joyce questioned. "Nothing" he replied hanging his head. "God" Joyce said as her voice quivered. I saw Johnathan standing behind the wall so i gave him a small wave. He gave a disheartened smile back.

"Flo says you got a phone call" Hopper said breaking the silence. "Yeah" Joyce said beckoning us over. The phone was covered in black soot as if it had caught on fire. "Storm barbecued this pretty good huh?" Hopper said as he inspected the phone.

"The storm?" Joyce questioned angrily. "Yea, what else?" Hopper asked. "Your saying that's not weird?!" Joyce exclaimed. "No, it's weird" Hopper replied.

"Could you maybe... Trace who made the call?" Johnathan asked. "No, it doesn't work like that. Now, are you sure it was Will? Flo said you just heard some breathing" Hopper said leaning against the wall.

"No. It was him. It was Will! And... He was scared!" Joyce shouted as her voice broke. "It was probably just a prank call. Maybe, somebody was trying to scare you" Hopper said. "Who would do that!?" Johnathan asked.

"Wills story was on the news. It brings out all the crazies, you know. False leads, prank calls" Hopper replied. Joyce shook her head and scoffed.

"No Hopper, it was not a prank. It was him!" Joyce shouted. "Joyce" Hopper said putting his head in his hands. "Come on! How about a little trust here? Don't you think i don't know my own sons breathing? Wouldn't you know your own daughters!" Joyce shouted.

The room fell silent. Hoppers face dropped as he walked away. Johnathan gave me an apologetic look as i looked at the ground. "Bambi, go wait in the car okay?" Hopper said with his back turned to me.

I slowly nodded my head and walked out of the room. Before i left, i turned back to Joyce. "I hope you find him soon" i said with a soft smile. Joyce gave me a thankful nod as i turned back and made my way out to the truck.

The car ride to school was awkward to say the least. "I won't be home tonight okay. They're doing another search party tonight" Hopper said breaking the silence. I nodded my head slowly. "Yea i won't be home until late too. I'm tutoring someone from school" i said biting my nails.

"Your tutoring someone? Who?" he questioned. "Steve" i replied. "Steve... Is Steve a girls name or a boys?" he asked. I rolled my eyes. "It's a pricks name, alright. My teacher is making me because he's failing english" i said. Hopper let out a chuckle.

"Well, maybe this will be good. You teach him english and maybe you can become friends" Hopper said with a grin from ear to ear. "No chance" i said getting out of the car.

When i got to school, i got my books from my locker and was heading to the toilet. As i was about to go in, i stopped as i saw Johnathan putting up posters of Will. "God that's depressing" i heard a voice say.

I looked around to see Steve, Nancy, Barb and the rest of the goon squad. "How much do you want to bet he killed him?" i heard Tommy say. I rolled my eyes and made my way over to Johnathan.

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