16: vinyls

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Brian and I continued to hang out after school every day.

It was something I had gotten used to. I'd walk home, he'd always (annoyingly) get there before me and would be waiting on his porch. Then we'd talk about school, ride our bikes and enjoy each other's company.

It actually started to feel normal.

"Hey, Amanda!"

I turned around as I heard Christine's voice.

She was leaning against the school gates, with Ethan and Sam on either side of her.

Oh yeah.

One thing I forgot to mention. Christine, Sam, and Ethan had no idea I was friends with Brian Mckenzie.

I didn't even tell them we were speaking, nevermind hung out every day because they would definitely make a big deal out of it.

So, even though it felt bad, I had to keep our friendship a secret from them, too.

"Hey, guys!" I walked over to them.

"Hey" Ethan threw his arm around me.

Sam smiled. "We miss you."

"I miss you guys too!"

"Where you been girly?" Christine asked.

"I'm um...I'm still settling into my new home. My mom has me and my sister organizing the house because it's still just a mess. Sorry guys."

Christine dragged me away from Ethan and wrapped her arm around me. "Don't be sorry, babe. It's cool, we get it."

We all began to walk out of school.

"If you need help moving heavy boxes, I'm your guy," Ethan said.

Christine rolled her eyes. "Alpha male comment on queue as usual."

"How was that alpha?!"

I snorted.

"Let's do something", Christine said.


"Yes, you're free now right?"


I was supposed to meet Brian. Yesterday he told me we'd race our bikes around the park.

"Uh, yeah, I'm free."

"Why don't we go to the movies?" Sam asked.

"Good thinking little bro."

"The movies sound fun. Ethan check the listings!" Christine exclaimed.

"On it" Ethan spoke, scrolling on his iPhone. "Okay, there's Black Widow, Spiderman...hold on aren't these old?"

"You idiot that's the movie listings from last year, give me your phone."

I chuckled as Ethan and Christine walked on ahead, mumbling to one another.

"They seem good," I said to Sam.

"Yeah, they are. We're all good now."

"I'm glad."

"How are you? Been up too much?"

"Nothing out of the ordinary."

"So you haven't fallen madly in love with Brian Mckenzie like everyone predicted?"

I chuckled. "Nope. He's just my neighbor."

"I see."

"And how are you? With everything..."

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