Office Chairs [chapter 33]

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The girl struggled with unlocking the door to her apartment. Her nerves were getting to her. She'd managed to drop her keys twice, miss the key hole, and put the key in upside down. Yeah, she was not handling Peter's current predicament well.

He was currently all by himself in a building full of people who wanted him dead. One of his most valuable assets, his webs, aren't working due to him being out of fluid. He had nobody watching him or any of the cameras around the office spaces near him. And, just to add a little spice, the universe decided now would be a good time for y/n's bladder to be full.

You know, the only person who could get Peter any web fluid.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck," she cursed over and over. "Flash, go into my room and look on the top right shelf of the closet! There should be a small shoebox, and in it a few vials of blue liquid. Grab two of them and return the box back where you found it!"

Flash watched as she ran straight to the bathroom. He blinked, taking in everything that happened within the past fifteen minutes or so.

Okay, to start off, y/n was talking to somebody invisible in the diner they were at. She then, very suddenly, decided she no longer wanted to be there and forced the two of them to rush to her apartment. Once there, she had trouble opening the door. And now she was telling him to get something from her bedroom after she rushed to the bathroom.

She truly was an oddball.

Regardless, Flash found himself doing exactly as instructed. He walked down the hall until he found the only room. It wasn't too hard in the first place considering that, other than the bedroom, there was only a small storage closet and a latch that could be pulled down to display an ironing board.

Flash pushed open the door to her room, being met with a cluttered space. He quickly concluded that was from the fact two people were sharing it. Flash walked over to the closet and pushed the right side door open.

He looked around at the upper shelf that had a few bags, a big box, and on top of it, a small shoebox. Exactly what she'd said. Like actually. The size on the box said it was for kids. Who kept shoeboxes like that?

Flash reached up and pulled it down, sliding off the top to be met with five vials. They were all filled with a translucent, blue liquid. He grabbed two. Then he closed the lid and slid the box exactly back where he found it. He closed the closet door, and then her room door when he was on his way out.

Walking up to the bathroom, Flash pocketed the two vials. He knocked on the door, "I got the things you wanted. Now, do ya' mind explaining what's goin' on?"

He heard the sound of the toilet flushing and the sink being turned on. "Parker ran out of web fluid, so we're gonna bring him some more." Her voice was slightly muffled through the door.

A few seconds later, the girl unlocked the bathroom door and came out with damp hands. She led the way back out of her apartment as Flash trailed after her, "But what about at the diner? Who were you talking to?"

"Parker," she said in a 'duh' sort of tone.

Flash stopped just short of the front door to her apartment. The girl, thinking Flash had followed her out, turned to start pulling the door shut. She stopped when she saw he was still standing in her apartment.

She tilted her head to the side, "What?"

"You've been able to talk to Peter?" Flash asked in nearly a whisper. He looked up to be met with her confused nod that still gave him the answer he was seeking. Flash's jaw clenched, "I've been worrying my ass off, thinking I won't know how that nerd is doing until after the fact— I'd learn if he died from the news... and you're telling me that you can communicate with him?!"

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