[ 16 ] Dancing In The Moonlight

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• dancing in the moonlight •


EVONY HATED TRAINING days. For one, she didn't like being clustered by several sweaty boys at once. Who-by the way-took these days as a competition to see who was the fastest. Two, it was Minho who led the group, and she swore he made them go twice as fast as their regular pace. She did see the point of it, though, so she knew she couldn't argue with him.

She liked to stay at the back of the pack when they ran; she had no interest in joining the boys in their "friendly competition" they had going on. Most of the time there were a couple other runners who would choose to join her, which she was thankful for since she liked having someone to provide her with company.

Honestly she thought that maybe Thomas would stay back-not wanting to compete with the stupid boys. Turns out she was wrong. Very wrong. The boy actually was one of the people to be fully committed to racing through the maze.

It was kinda cute how determined he was. Evony would watch from the back as he, Minho, and Ben would take off sprinting. Then she would hold back a laugh at the little pout on his face when he didn't win and smile when he was doing the same.

Of course he didn't see any of this, but one of her other friends did. She almost wished that it hadn't been him. It could've been anyone but him, but no, of course it was Max. He bumped her shoulder, making her stagger for a second before she returned the gesture. He didn't even have to say anything; his wiggling eyebrows said enough.

"Stop that," she snapped, keeping her voice low enough so nobody else could hear. The two slowed their paces even more, letting themselves fall several feet behind the group. He only continued to be annoying-making hearts with his hands and waving a hand in front of his face like a fan-so she used her foot to kick him in the shin.

His stance faltered for a second before he was sent crashing to the ground. He had tried to grab her-in a weak attempt to drag her down aswell-but she had stepped away out of his reach.

Only Thomas had turned back at the noise, but instantly he wished he hadn't. He wasn't sure why his stomach was clenching, or why his fists were curling up into balls by his side. He only knew that seeing Evony holding Max's hand to help him off the ground gave him an indescribable feeling. Shaking off whatever was brewing in the pit of his stomach, Thomas turned back around and tried to distract himself by racing against Minho and the other runners.

Evony; however, didn't recognize his growing jealousy; she was too busy laughing with her friend. Friend. She was glad that her and Max had been able to go back to that label after being whatever they were. It was a month after the boy had come up the box; he had asked her if he could kiss her, and fifteen-year-old Evony didnt know any better. They shared some awkward exchanges and held hands for about three months before they both agreed that it didn't feel right.

Max had actually said there was somebody else he had eyes for; he never told her, though.

"So why aren't you up there with everyone else?" she asked him. Minho had led the group into a slow jog, so now both her and Max were attempting to do the least amount of work while still keeping up with the other runners.

His face went slack, almost like he had been caught, "What?"

"You're usually up there with Minho, Ben-" her words died instantly, an eerie silence surrounding the two of them. "Shit, I'm so sorry. I forgot-"

"It's okay, Evy. It's not your fault," he paused, "I just need some more time."

Her heart sunk for her friend. She wished that he didn't have to find out about them dating from her and Thomas. If Evony had known the brunet was going to spurt out that piece of information the other night, she would've dragged him away from the area as soon as possible. Max was Minho and Ben's best friend; he deserved to have found out from them. Would it still have hurt him, yes. But maybe it could have softened the blow a little; make it feel not so much like they had been keeping a secret from him.

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