Kendall's Pov (41)

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"Finally! You've been on that phone for ages, talking with that gutless boyfriend of yours" Mikey mocks, standing at my room door.

"What?!..." I retort, ignoring his annoying presence. He's been teasing me since my return, for choosing King over Landon. I don't know what Landon had told him or did but I'm sick and tired of hearing insults about King-Cairo. I pray deeply that Mikey would return to his wife and baby, he never talks about them. He hasn't since he came home.

"I sometimes wonder how you became my sister, cos I'm nothing like you. I've always had the luck with girls and relationships but you on the other hand, after so many years of being in the shadows still ended up with a sissy" Mikey goes on with his name calling advancing into my room without permission.

"Please leave," I say in a polite manner, hoping he won't be offended. I don't want us to be like cat and dog at home. Mum has warned me severally to respect and tolerate his attitude because he's going through a lot.

I'm also passing through a lot.

"Are you chasing me out?... Cos I told you a painful truth huh?"

"You wanna know a painful truth, Mikey? To think you've always been lucky with girls and relationships but you couldn't afford to realize that the love of your life was pregnant with a baby that wasn't yours!" I deadpan, covering my lips as I realize how far I went.

Mikey is quiet for a short while, his temper simmering. I'm scared he might do something stupid because he can be very impulsive like Jordan.

"I'm sorry" I apologize immediately.

"Who told you that?"

"Mum did, she just wanted me to understand how difficult things have been for you. I didn't mean to throw it all out like that" I say hoping he understands.

"I hate you Tboy, you're the worst sister ever!" He barks, gnashing his teeth.

"Hey, guys wassup" a voice speaks from behind, we both turn to see Landon Brookes in all his might and glory. My feelings for him rushed back into full swing.

"Landon!" I exclaim.

"Hey man, heard you've been in town since. I'm sorry I didn't come around sooner so we can hang out like we usually did. I had practice n' stuff. Did she tell you?" He says pointing at me.

Mikey glares back at me. "No she didn't but I understand man. Maybe when you're done here we can talk in the living room?" I watch as they shake hands.

Mikey climbs downstairs while Landon throws himself on my bed. It's been so long since we hung out in my room. We used to do that a lot in the past until he started keeping girlfriends and they would take his time.

"Your room's still blue?" He takes notice of the duvet, bedspread, and some other blue colorings. He was the reason I chose blue as my best color, it was his.

I nod in response.

"I changed mine a long time ago when Shania whined about hating the reflection of the blue. Or is it Meredith?..." He pauses for a while in thought.

He shrugs. "I'm not sure which one of them though but I had_"

"_Why are you here?" I interrupt him not wanting to hear more stories of his exes, it's exhausting.

His mood changes. "I came to see you K. don't you miss us hanging out? It's been so long since we did and I wanted to spend some time with my bestie" he sits up facing me with that usual cute expression of his that lets my guard down around him.

I sigh mentally. It's so obvious I haven't gotten over Landon as much as I pretend to have. He still has this effect on me that I think he knows.

I'm a fool...

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