chapter 23

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Harry's POV:

I wake up to a pounding headache and light streaming through my blinds. Thinking back on yesterday made me frown, I love a girl, who doesn't love me back. I was so sure. So sure that she felt the same way as me. But that's what you get when you assume. I shake my head to get rid of the harsh thoughts, and slip out of bed. I shower quickly and wear my usual clothes: slacks and a white button-up shirt.

I make it to my office an hour before I am supposed to be here.

"You're here early, Mr. Styles."

"No shít, it's my company. I'll do whatever the héll I want." I grumble. My front desk employee, Grace, gives me a look of fear and then falls to a sad frown. I wasn't normally rude but I was not in the mood to talk this morning.

Closing my office door, I sigh and look over some paperwork. My PA wouldn't be here for a little while, so I might as well keep myself busy. Looking over the Davis' company, I think of Anastasia. Breathing out, I remind myself that I need to work. Glancing back down at the papers, I scribble down some notes and work out a few numbers. More companies have been buying from us since we joined with the Davis company, causing a 3% rate to go up. That's pretty good. Clicking at my computer I check the companies stocks and see that most are in good shape. Everything seems to be in order, even though I haven't been around as much as I used to.

A light knock sounds at my door and I tell them to come in. My new PA, Craig walks in with my morning coffee and some files.

"Morning Mr. Styles, I have the paperwork you asked for and your coffee."

"Thank you, and please wait. I'll sign these papers now."

I grab a pen and he hands my the paperwork. I sign my name quickly and smile that Natalie has already signed it. I'm a free man. Well, technically I have been for years. Or so I thought. But I'm for sure now.

"Send these to the Headquarters, today. Thank you, Craig." Handing the papers to him, he nods and goes to the door.

"Oh! Could you please order two dozen roses, please."

"Of course. What color would you like?"

"One red and one white."

"Okay, I'll be back."

Nodding, I return to my paperwork.


Anastasia's POV:

Although it has only been one héll of a few days, it felt like so much more. Waking up this morning I felt refreshed and so much better about me, and well everything.

I stare at the computer screen in my office and chat with Layla about the events that had taken place.

"I still can't believe he married a lèsbian," she giggles, "I mean, how can someone like him, be so dumb?"

"Well, apparently he was really drunk." I smile.

"Yeah. He's dumb. But he's gotta big díck." She shrugs and continues writing.

"Oh? Is that so? And how many I ask would you know?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Ana, just look at him. Anyone could tell."

"No you can't!" I exclaim.

There is a light knock on the door and Layla laughs, while I let the person in.

"Hello. Delivery for Anastasia Carter." A delivery man steps in holding roses.

"Oh, thank you." I smile and place them on my desk.

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