Brewing Storms

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In the chilly dark hold of the ship, Wayne had finished taking inventory. Devyn had tied the Azure Gourd to his hip after they had brought everything below deck. They had made quite the profit from Morgan and his crew. A small chest sat in the corner filled with gold coins. But for Wayne, the food and water they had obtained were worth twice the amount. Still, though he did admire a few of the jewels and antique silverware the pirates had collected. He had been starving for nearly three days before they came across the pirates. After helping himself to an apple and a mug of rum he made his way to the deck, Devyn should be nearly finished with his meal.

Devyn was finishing draining the last body of blood. He enjoyed finally being able to sate his thirst. He had survived the last few weeks from his brother's blood. The small flask sips were nothing compared to being able to gorge himself. After he filled his flask for later, he began rummaging through their victims' pockets.

Wayne stepped on the deck when his brother called out to him.

" Wayne look what I found," Devyn yelled as he pulled the locket from Fredrick's trousers.

"Father's locket," Wayne reverently whispered.

The two stared at the picture of their mother for a moment. She had long black hair, and a thin face with supple lips. Her eyes were a brilliant shade of emerald green.

"She was beautiful," Devyn said as he closed the locket and headed to their father's office to place it back in its secret compartment.

Wayne and Devyn threw the bodies off the side of the ship after searching them thoroughly for anything of value. They had found a few odds and ends but nothing of real value, except a silver buckle depicting a skull and bones, from Fredrick's trousers. Devyn had donned the buckle and adamantly stated they were not to sell it.

"The buckle suits you," Wayne said as Devyn finished strapping the belt to his waist.

"I like this far more though, " Devyn replied as his hand grasped the hilt of the Azure Gourd.

"Care to spar?" Wayne grinned as he drew out his longsword.

"As long as you don't use your magical trickery this time," Devyn replied with a grin.

The sparing was a way for them to keep their fighting prowess, challenging each other during the long months they had been on the ship keeping each other fit and entertained. They had not sparred since the food shortage.

Devyn drew out the Azure blade and willed it to materialize. The twins face off against each other. Slowly they began circling each other on the deck of the ship. Wayne was the first to strike, a thrust aimed at Devyn's chest. Devyn deflected the blade and countered. Wayne sidestepped his brother's overhead slash and kicked at his over-extended leg. Devyn had to quickly step back from the kick but quickly recovered as Wayne came in from the side with a slashing blow. Devyn toyed with Wayne for a while as he parried and blocked his attacks. Wayne knew he wouldn't beat his brother, it was simply a game they played. Devyn was the superior swordsman, but Wayne had won a few of their matches before using magic to trick or control his brother. As they locked swords, Devyn stepped back and declared the match over.

Devyn could feel the Azure blade could do far more if he willed it to but he did not want to experiment with its powers during their match. He called the match off, only due to an epiphany. He guessed he could change the form of the blade while he swung. He tested his theory and it proved correct. At will, he could alternate the blade between water and steel. Wayne watched in amazement as Devyn twirled the blade in liquid form, the water sliced through the air, and instantly it would turn to steel upon Devyn's command.

"Now that you have that magical blade of yours, you might allow me my magic tricks," Wayne laughed as he sheathed his sword.

"Perhaps, though I do hate it when you use that blood magic of yours," Devyn replied

Nearly a year before Wayne had taken control of Devyn's sword arm using blood magic. After that match, Devyn declared it unfair and against the rules.

The smell of salt was carried along with the cold breeze. As they continued further towards their destination it was beginning to get colder. It didn't bother them much, being partly vampires the two had a natural affinity for the cold.

They spent a while below deck scrubbing the blood stains from their clothes and bodies. After having their water restocked by Morgan and his crew. They felt glad to finally have a chance to bath. Even if it was a simple scrub bath. Afterwards the two changed into cleaner clothes and went back up to the deck.

The night hours flew by as the two enjoyed sitting together drinking and laughing about the past. They spent quite a bit of time bragging about their fight with the pirates.

"It was as if they were children brandishing sticks," Devyn laughed recalling the way the pirates had fought.

"I wish you could understand the feeling of controlling the shadows with but a wave of your hand," Wayne replied as he described the power he felt flowing through him when he cast the Shadow Grasp spell.

The sun began peeking over the horizon as they lounged on the deck drinking rum, planning for the days ahead. Both of them agreed that when they first got to the city they would have a meal and find a place to stay.

"That's my cue," Wayne sighed as he spotted the first rays of light hit the deck.

Quickly Wayne disappeared, taking the stairs leading under the deck.

Devyn sighed after his brother vanished into the shadows beyond the stairs. He was left to bask in the first morning light alone. He dearly wished his brother could enjoy the warmth he felt as the sun rose higher in the sky. In his younger years, Devyn vowed he would find a way to let his brother see and feel the light of day without the need for a heavy cloak and quartz goggles to hide underneath.

Even though the clothing could protect him from the sunlight, Wayne preferred to stay out of the sun's harsh gaze. So every dawn he found himself retreating into some dark place waiting for the night to return. This dawn he decided to stay in his father's quarters, to hopefully research more on the amulet.

Wayne sat at his father's desk and popped open the hidden compartment. He picked up the locket and stared at his mother for a moment.

"Father shouldn't have let you die," he whispered as he closed the locket and gently placed it back in the drawer.

Wayne spent the next few minutes reading a map and staring at the city they were headed for, Frosthold. It was the capital of Shriken, the nation of the north. They chose Frosthold for its cold climate and the size of the city. Shriken was also known to be accepting of most foreigners.

After a few hours of going through his father's notes on the elusive amulet, Wayne began to drift to sleep. Hours later his brother knocked on the door. The door slowly creaked open and Devyn stepped inside. He looked excited, a smile was on his face.

"Frosthold is upon us. We will be there soon," Devyn grinned as he threw his brother a leather backpack. " Get packed. I've already gathered some supplies. We'll be heading into the city as soon as we get there.

"Great news, a storm is brewing over the city," Devyn added.

Wayne grinned. He loved a good storm. They blotted out the sun from the sky. Casting the world below in shadows.

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