Coral Pt. 1

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I flew with the rest of our group to the desert. Wilder complained that it was hot and he was tired. Crystal sent an ice cube his way that smacked him in the head making us laugh.

"Not funny," he said. Finally, we landed down on the area. Crystal, Meza, and Dawn worked to arrange the portal. Ruby and Wilder readied for a spell to activate the portal that Crystal had told them about. I walked over to Gil and Ares who stared daggers at each other. Enoki and Tiger followed me.

"Fish scum," Ares was saying.

"Trash prince," Gil was responding. Tiger cleared his throat and his body quickly twisted and untwisted as a llama. He spit Gil in the face then Ares.

"You two need to stop this," Enoki commanded. They both sighed, then glared daggers again and walked away. I patted Gil on the shoulder and signaled for him to follow.

"I have a spare trident with loyalty and impaling that has your name on it," I said. It was true. I had engraved Gil onto the trident's handle so he wouldn't refuse. Gil took it gladly and threw it at a bunny. The bunny was thrown backwards as the trident flew back to Gil's hand.

"DONE!" Dawn yelled. We turned to her and saw two portals in the two blocks ready for use. Crystal called us over to stand by each other. I stood by Dawn as she was farthest away from the knife that Enoki would use. I also hated knives.

"I kind of want to sit this out, now that I think about it," Tiger said. Enoki looked at him with sad eyes, the knife inches away from his hand. Cherry, Ruby, Cacti, Gil, and Tiger stood back. Crystal, Dawn, Enoki, Wilder, Ares, Meza, and I stood forward. Enoki spilled his blood on the rims of both portals.

"Wymiary," Ruby yelled. A flash shone about, blinding me. When it was gone the portal frames were filled with a red and orange swirl.

"Everyone ready?" Meza asked. I nodded and Wilder became the first to jump. He cannonballed into the portal with Ares leaping after him. Meza did a twirling spin while Dawn just walked in. Crystal dipped her legs in and slid into it. I chose to copy Wilder and cannonballed, my hair flying. The last I saw was Enoki staring at Tiger before the red and orange took up my vision.

It felt like swimming through the air. You didn't need an elytra and you could do flips and spins. There was no ground just like the ocean. Behind me I saw Enoki blip in and in front of me I saw everyone having fun on the funky air. Wilder disappeared then Ares. Meza and Dawn disappeared at the same time, as they were holding hands through the journey. I joined up with Crystal, a smile on her face. Blue and purple was all I saw.

When Crystal and I stepped out the other side we were greeted by the rest of our group. Enoki tumbled out soon after.

"Buddy up," Dawn suggested again. Crystal and I, Dawn and Meza, Ares, Wilder and Enoki. I took a look at my surroundings, seeing cliff faces just like the Crystal Cliffs at home. Dawn led the way around the mountains. We all had our elytras so we took to the skies. Out in the distance I saw a few floating islands. We didn't have floating islands in our dimensions.

In a cliff valley Crystal pointed out buildings. Ares circled down to land with us following. The buildings looked like the Crystal Cliff's buildings but with less quality. It even had the fountain square like the empire. The only difference was that there was no school or wizard tower or dragons circling in the sky. 

Wilder ran over to a sign and read, "Welcome to Lauren Land." He looked at us with the same expression as the rest of us. The Crystal Cliffs didn't exist. A woman with purple hair and a purple elytra flew over to us. She look confused as to why seven strangers were in her home. I couldn't blame her.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"I'm Queen Crystal, that's Meza, Coral, Dawn, Enoki, Wilder, and Ares." Crystal said pointing to each of us. She continued, "Who are you?"

"You may call me Empress Lauren of Lauren Land," Empress Lauren responded.

"That's a little long. Can I call you Lauren instead?" I asked. Lauren nodded.

"What are you doing here?" Lauren asked, holding out a sword.

"Woah, woah, woah. We want peace. We just want to know where we are and where everything else is." Wilder said, actually looking concerned.

"This is Lauren Land, I rule it. Over there is the Grimlands, FWhip rules it. Those faint sky island's name is The Galaxy Empire, ruled by Gem. East is the Undergrove, ruled by Shrub. The northeast is Mezalia and in the ocean is the Ocean Empire. King Joel and Queen Lizzie rule over both together because they're married. Northwest is Pixandria ruled by Pix. A little bit south of the ocean lies the Cod Empire in which Jimmy rules and next to his empire is Mythland which Sausage rules. Next to Mythland in Pearl's Empire, Gilded Helianthia. Close to that is House Blossom, Katherine's home. In the jungle lies the Lost Empire, Joey's place. Finally there's Rivendell ruled by Xornoth."

I know all of us were surprised by the last empire. Crystal must've been heartbroken. We all thought the same thing. How was Xornoth king?


Author's note: Word count: 908. I had so much to do today so I apologize if this update seems late. Thanks for reading.

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