Moon knight x Reader

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Warnings: Yandere elements, kidnapping, captivity

It had been about three months since Marc had taken you and you were trapped in his modern apartment with plenty of security. You didn't know why he had taken you, he just said it was to protect you. But deep down you knew he was just a twisted man with an obsession.
You sat on your single bed inside your dark room. You felt like you were getting sick, maybe it was the lack of sunshine.
Your head hurt and you felt like your chest was burning and overall felt like shit.
You hugged your knees to your chest and groaned, you hated being sick.

"Love? Are you in here?" You heard a voice say knowing it was Steven. You were relieved a little, Steven was a lot softer and that's what you needed right now.
He opened to door and saw your pale face and glassy eyes.
He quickly dropped his bag and rushed over to you sitting on the side of the bed.

"Love? What's wrong? You don't look well." He whispered feeling your forehead as you groaned.

"Sweetheart you're burning up. Just stay here and I'll go get some things to help okay?" He asked as you nodded. You were so exhausted.
You laid down and got under the covers feeling yourself shiver.
Steven returned with a water bottle, medication and extra blankets.

"I wanna see the sun." You muttered as Steven looked down at you.
You had metal blinds on your only window in your room, making sure you couldn't get out. You wouldn't anyway, it was twisted but you didn't want to leave them now.
He smiled and pressed a button making the blinds go up and letting the sun stream in.
You shielded your eyes but hummed at the warm feeling of the sun on the covers of your bed.

"Steven." You muttered as you felt him sit on your bed again.

"Yes, sweetheart?" Steven whispered placing his hand on your shoulder as you peaked out from under the covers.

"Can you cuddle me?" You whispered not looking at him, but you knew his eyes would've lit up.

"Of course love." He replied pulling the covers back and taking his shoes off so he could get into bed with you.
You didn't cuddle Marc and Jake much but you always loved to cuddle with Steven. The others did get jealous of that.
He wrapped his arms around you and ran his hand through your hair.
You could feel the way he move changed and you looked up to see his face tense.

"Marc?" You whispered as he leant down and kissed your forehead.

"Shh, you need sleep. We'll get you better darling." Marc said as you nodded and cuddled into him. You couldn't help but slowly fall asleep in his arms, your body finally resting.
Marc wouldn't admit it, but he liked you like this. He hated you in discomfort but he liked that you were weak and relied on him.

"I'll take care of you."


You woke up seeing Marc wasn't with you anymore, you felt worse. You sat up and coughed violently before collapsing back onto the bed.

"Marc." You called out weakly but didn't hear a response.

"Steven, Jake." You called out again before coughing, the door opened and you looked up.

"Mi amor, shh it's okay." His voice came through as he came over to you, he helped you sit up and held the water bottle up to your mouth.

"Here you need some water." He whispered as you held onto his hand and drank some water.

"Please don't go." You whispered weakly, resting against him as he smiled and wrapped an arm around you.

"Shh mi amor, we're not going anywhere." Jake whispered as you felt yourself falling asleep once again.

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