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MARCH 21, 1986

It had now been about five months since the Byers family had moved across the country. It goes without saying that going from Indiana to California is a huge adjustment, but it seemed that Emily especially was having a hard time, to put it gently. But if you were a friend of hers in Hawkins receiving a letter from her, you'd have no idea.

Specifically, when she wrote to Mike, Emily was sure to play up her experience in Lenora. Of course, it didn't make her feel good to know that she was lying to her boyfriend, but it would make her feel worse if he were to be worrying about her. She had already tried "setting him free," as she liked to put it, three months ago, not long after the Byers' had visited Hawkins for Christmas, but Mike had put his extreme stubbornness to good use and refused to let this happen, and so they remained a couple and acted like nothing had ever happened. Neither of them had even told anyone about the incident.

Their written correspondence remained consistent, both of them keeping each other caught up with the goings-on in their respective towns. A few days prior, Emily had sent out her last letter to him before spring break, during which Mike would be flying out to visit for the first time. It read:

"Dear Mike, today is day 185 in Lenora. I miss you so much, it feels like a century. Thankfully, though, this week is going by super fast. I think because of this project for Mrs. Gracey's class taking up all of my time. Of course she assigns a huge project right before break. Why do teachers always do that? It's cruel.

On a lighter note than school projects, Mom got a new job. She gets to work from home now. She says she loves the freedom, but with her being home all the time, it kind of takes away from ours a bit. Oh well, though, right? Money is money.

Will's kind of turning into me lately. He's always shut up in his room, painting, and he snaps at me every time I come in unannounced. We literally shared a womb, so I'm not sure what his deal is, because he won't tell me or anyone, and won't even show us what he's been working on. El thinks he's painting for a girl and that's why he's being so secretive, but between you and me, I'm not too sure about that.

Speaking of El, she's doing better than expected. I suppose I should stop underestimating her. She seems to be adjusting pretty well to being a normal teenager. Will and I help her out with school and stuff whenever we can, but she's doing pretty well on her own. I'm proud of her, and you should be, too.

And now onto the last sibling. Jonathan is an interesting character these days. I mean, he's always been weird, but he's managed to get even weirder. I blame Argyle; that's his new best friend (not that he's ever had friends before). But part of it is due to the fact that his acceptance letter from Emerson still hasn't come, and also because he and Argyle spend half their time smoking weed nowadays. His room reeks, I have no idea how Mom has missed it. His car is still broken, too, because we don't have the money to get it fixed, so Argyle has been taking us to school in his sweet ride... a pizza delivery van.

Oh, just wait until you meet Argyle. He's really funny, but also extremely annoying. You'll probably hate him. I did at first, but he's alright now, I guess.

And since you always say I don't talk enough about myself in my letters, I'll include this for you. I'm doing really well, Mike. You were right, it just takes time. Of course, I miss Hawkins, you, and the party. And I can't believe I'm saying this, but I miss the Indiana weather and how cold it would get. I miss being able to wear sweatshirts (specifically, yours). But, I'm adapting to the heat, and I'm starting to appreciate the sights here, too. School has even become tolerable. Math is still easy, and I'm starting to understand some Spanish. I still only have Amber as a real friend, but the people here are way nicer than in Hawkins, so I have a few acquaintances. I have Will and El, too, so I'm managing just fine.

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