~Valentine's Day~

511 14 10

-Summary: I think it explains itself.
-Might be short
-Enjoy the song:)) ^^

Billy wasn't the sappy type. He never really liked the whole lovey dovey shit, but Stu seemed to like it a little to much. He knew Stu would be upset if he didn't do anything for their first valentine's day together. The brunette walked into corner store and went the the flower section.

"Shit. What are his favorite flowers?" Billy whispered to himself. Billy pulled out his phone and punched in Tatum's number.

Billy:"Hey, Tatum."

Tatum:"Hey Billy goat!"

Billy:"Are you with Stu?"

Tatum:"No he just left my house. That fucking asshole ate my food then left."

Billy:"Okay cool, I need your help with something."

Tatum:"With what??"

Billy:"Valentine's day gifts for Stu."

Tatum:"Oh okay I needed to get Sidney's gifts anyway."

Once Tatum got to the corner store her and Billy were looking through the flowers in the back of the store. "Dude, this is why I hate shopping for people." Billy says angrily, picking up and placing down the bundles of flowers.

"This fuck rag better like these." The brunette said, sighing. "Oh wait. He likes daisies." Tatum said turning to the boy who stared into her soul. "And you didn't think to tell me that 15 fucking minutes ago." He said.

"Just be grateful bitch." The blonde girl said. Billy picked up a bundle of daisies and placed it in the basket with white roses and a candle that Tatum got for Sidney. Billy and Tatum spilt up when Billy went to the movie store.

He picked up 'Nightmare on elm Street: Dream warriors' it came out a while ago but Stu hasn't watched it yet. He quickly bought the movie and left to Stu's house. When he got there he saw that Stu wasn't home.

Well I guess that works. Billy went into the blonde's backyard and noticed that his window was open. The brunette put the flowers and other things in his bookbag and started to climb the tree. He threw his bag in the window before climbing in himself.

Billy walked downstairs like he didn't just break into this man's house- and grabbed a mason jar from the cabinet and filled it with water. He also grabbed a bag of popcorn and put it in the microwave. He got back upstairs and placed the flowers in the jar.

Billy heard the beep of the popcorn. He went back down and put the snack in a bowl. He set all the stuff on the nightstand and put on the movie, pausing it on the title card. He turns off the lights and waits.

The brunette waited about 20 minutes before hearing the front door open and a loud yawn. "Why does it smell like butter?" The blonde said, walking up the steps. The door opened as Stu became shocked at the sight of his boyfriend on his bed.

"Hey." Was the only thing the brunette said. "Uh hey." Stu said as he started to laugh, "how the fuck did you get in my house?" He finished. "Left your window open." Billy replied. Stu's eyes widened as he finally realized what was happening.

Stu smiled softly but he looked sad. "What do you not like it?" Billy said getting up. "No, no. I fucking love it. But I got you a shit gift." Stu says as he used his hand to graze one of the daisies. "What did you get me?" The brunette asked.

"No it's bad." Stu says as he tries to hide a shopping bag that Billy didn't notice before behind his back. Billy snatches the bag from the blonde and looks in it. It had a blue velvet box with a navy blue ribbon tied around it.

Billy took the box out and turned back to Stu. "I know its not a lot, you don't to keep it." The blonde said. The brunette opened the box and saw a gold bracelet, it was a tiny chain with a rectangle in the middle with 'B + S' on it.

Billy looked up at Stu. "There's something on the back." Stu says pointing at jewelry in the others hand. The brunette flipped the rectangle over and saw another the craved into it. The words 'Unsuspecting Hearts' in fancy font entered his vision.

"What?" Billy said utterly confused. "It's a song. From the Carrie musical." Stu said with that big stupid grin on his face. The other chuckled at the comment.

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