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Are you looking for your next amazing read this summer? We've got you covered!

This book might start small, but very soon it's going to be chockful of some of the best reads around Wattpad. No reason to get bored this summer! And the best part is: they're all FINISHED! Time to do some binge-reading!

We will be including all genres in this recommendations list. From epic fantasy to fluffy romance. From spine-chilling horror to fantastic fanfiction. Everything goes. There'll be something for everyone.

We accept submissions! Do you have a favourite book on Wattpad that you just have to share with us? Fill out the form and perhaps you'll find your favourite read on our Book Recommendations list soon. Are you a writer? Feel free to sign up your own works for a chance of free advertisement.

Read on to find out more. Enjoy!

- Team of Dreams

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