chapter 11: izuku's hero name and the fear it brings.

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Okay everyone. I've tallied the votes and it was close but the winner for izuku's hero Name is raijin shinto God of thunder.

Now on to the story!!!.

Izuku's class were deciding on their own hero names for when they became professional heroes fighting villains.

Naturally izuku wanted to have his hero name be something related to his ability to generate storms and control electrical energy after doing some research he found the perfect name for himself...raijin. shinto God of thunder.

Izuku's turn came to present to his classmates his hero name and when he showed everyone what he'd chose.

Well you could say it fit like a glove.
But it also scared kaminari shitless.

Midnight then said.

"Well considering what you did at the hero sports festival I think it's a great fit.
The God of thunder and lightning storms. Not bad izuku. Not bad at all."

Izuku then took his seat as everyone watched him with awe and Slight fear in their eyes as he sat next to ochako sparks flying off of him as he looked over towards mineta and kaminari..

They both turned around and payed attention to the class lesson being taught by shoto aizawa.

Bakugo then said.

"Serves those idiots right to be afraid.
I've learned first hand what he's capable of when you piss him off enough.

Push him too far and he will turn you into charcoal or collapse a building on your head. Their better off avoiding him."

Eventually class ended and everyone went to get lunch with izuku and ochako always by each others side.

Like his hero name izuku's nature was unpredictable yet at the same time calm.
When ochako wasn't around him you knew that a storm was brewing.

Wherever he went power lines would have arcs of electricity follow him.

Whenever he walked into a rain storm thunder and lightning would be calmed by his presence as if bowing to their master.

Kaminari on several occasions attempted to get revenge on izuku for his humiliation in the festival.

But it only ever ended backfiring on him. He generated electricity izuku could absorb energy and send it back 10 20 even 100 fold if he wished to.

Izuku even had his own signature move he called the 'fist of God'

Izuku even had his own signature move he called the 'fist of God'

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2022 ⏰

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