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Newark, NJ
St. Michael's Hospital
Room 6-45 😏

Landon blinked heavily, trying to look around but his eyelids were heavy and his vision was cloudy.

"Oh my gosh, Lanka's awake!" Ace announced, jumping up from his chair and rushing to Landon's bedside.

Landon tried to lift his arm but it felt so heavy and he was just so tired.
"Ace? W-what's going on?" he asked sleepily.

"You're at the hospital right now. How are you feeling?" the blond asked, but Landon could only faintly hear him before he fell back asleep.

the next day,

"He was awake for maybe 2 minutes and then he fell back asleep. The doctor said it's probably just the anesthesia wearing off. Yes, I'm aware. Light I don't need you to remind me of how dangerous tearing is." Ace paced the room while speaking into his cell phone.

Landon opened his eyes, lifting his hand to clear the sleep from his eyes, "Dad?" he questioned, seeing Ash sitting on the edge of his bed.

Ash instantly stood up and came closer, "Hey, how are you? Hold on, I'll call the doctor." the Ukrainian quickly pushed the call button on the side of Landon's bed to summon a nurse.

"I- I feel sleepy. Why am I in a hospital?" Landon frowned confused as Ace finally noticed he was up.

"Doll, Lanka's awake. I'll call you back, I love you." he said before hanging up the call and rushing to the other side of Landon's bed.

What the hell is going on? "I- I was just on the jet. W-what happened?" he questioned just as a nurse came into the room.

"Oh he's awake. Good, I'll page Dr. Ricky." the nurse said with a smile, showing off his deep smile lines.

"You passed out on the jet and they had to land immediately. That was 4 days ago." Ash explained calmly.

I passed out? What? Landon coughed lightly, prompting Ace to hand him a cup of water.

Landon tried to sit up to drink but both Ash and Ace quickly stopped him, "No, you can't get up. You might pop your stitches." the blond said, raising Landon's bed so he was sitting up without moving.

"Stitches?" Landon's eyes went wide as his heart raced, he was scared.
Ace nodded as Ash sighed, "They said you passed out from blood loss."

Before Landon could say anything else, the doctor came in and his dads climbed off the bed.

"I have to go pick up Leah from school. I'll see you back at home, Landon." Ash leaned down and gently gave Landon a one-armed hug before kissing Ace and leaving the room.

Ace smiled to the doctor before turning to Landon, "I'm gonna go get Ryojin. He's probably still pacing in the cafeteria, I'll be right back." he quickly rushed out of the room with his husband.

Leaving Landon confused and worried with Dr. Ricky and the nurse with the smile lines, who's name seemed to be Fenn.

"Hi Landon, I'm Doctor Ricky. I performed your surgery. How are you feeling?" the slightly graying woman asked with a gentle Brooklyn accent and a warm smile.

"I- I guess I'm okay. I'm not sure what happened though." Landon shook his head confusingly as Fenn came over with a stethoscope and motioned for him to lean forward.

Dr. Ricky sighed, "You were flown in by a helicopter four days ago with an anal fissure and unconscious from blood loss." she started as Landon shivered from how cold Fenn's stethoscope was and how close the man was to him.

Fenn wasn't too bad to look at, quite the opposite.
Curly brown hair falling down to his ears, hazel eyes, and deep smile lines that complimented his diamond jawline perfectly.

"The surgery went well but the unconsciousness is what had us worried. You stayed asleep for 3 days and we began to worry there might be something more. The worry was futile since you're awake now but we'd still like to run more tests." she pressed her lips together before sitting down in one of the chairs beside Landon's bed.

Fenn backed up, allowing Landon and Dr. Ricky to be in their close proximity in peace.

"Landon, I contacted the hospital in New Rochelle. You've torn 3 times in a month. I'm not sure what you're doing and I'm not judging, but maybe, you should consider stopping." she gave him a genuine look of concern.

Landon nodded slowly even though the last thing he wanted was to slow down with Ryojin.
If I can't satisfy him, he'll leave me.

Dr. Ricky looked back at Fenn who nodded in encouragement, "Landon, are you being abused?" she asked cautiously.

"W-what? No! No, it's consensual, all of it." he furiously shook his head.
Growing even more concerned at what seemed like a pathetic attempt to cover for someone else, Fenn stepped in.

"If you are being sexually abused, tell us. We can help you, our job is to keep you safe, in everyway possible." somehow even with a worried frown, Fenn's small dimples showed and matched beautifully with his New Zealand accent.

"I said no! I'm fine!" Landon yelled, unintentionally offending the kind nurse.
Landon laid his head down in defeat, "I'm sorry. I-I really am fine." he replied in a low voice.

Fenn sighed but gave Landon a smile that said 'Its okay, I shouldn't have been so pushy' which made the teen feel even worse.

"Push this button here if you need anything else and I'll be here quicker than you can say spaghetti." Fenn said kindly, smiling once again which made his smile lines dig even deeper into his cheeks.

Dr. Ricky nodded and stood up, "Well Landon, after a CT scan you can go home so rest up. But remember what I said, once is dangerous enough. With how serious this recent tear was and the amount of blood you lost, tearing again might be fatal."

Landon nodded casually although inside he was completely terrified, Fatal? I could die?

What exactly am I willing to give to stay with him, though?

Vote and Comment!
bc anal fissures now-a-days are usually fixed with sum laser bs i don't understand

but this is fiction so get off my back abt it alr🙄

𝓛𝓔: 𝓛𝓮𝓰𝓪𝓬𝓲𝓮𝓼 [BxM] 16+✔️Where stories live. Discover now