book assignments + active check #3

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Participants, as June 13th nears, you will need to follow your judges before or by then

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Participants, as June 13th nears, you will need to follow your judges before or by then. They will be genuinely judging and reviewing your books, so be courteous and give them a follow in return. There are 2 judges that you will have to follow, so please look for user carefully.

Judges, if any one of the participants have not followed you, please inform me, so I can reach out to them to follow the rules.

This announcement also serves as an active check, so judges when you see your user, please inline comment next to it, so that I know you're still here and wanting to continue on in these awards.

Participants, please comment every time you see your user with a checkmark, but only put it if you have followed the judges you're listed under. That will serve as your active check, and it really helps in the long run for the hosts and judges when it comes to organization.

Other than that, I hope you all enjoy BTS'comeback this weekend!

Other than that, I hope you all enjoy BTS'comeback this weekend!

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Judge: Kalapika1

Hyung-line Participants:
re-ika [A Pain of Disguise]
strawberryiscream [Ruby Red]
chilimomos [Popstar]

Judge: kim_cherry_madhatter

Hyung-line Participants:
strawberry1d [Seesaw]
lemonseokie [Homicide]
sailorvenus__ [Spirits]

Maknae-line Participants:
@ynintrov [Those Eyes]
ChocolateLumps [Disguise]
MochiKookie03 [Fortune Kookie]
Han-ham [Road Trip]
OrganicPeace13 [Spellbound]

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