9: don't drink chemicals

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When the group got to the Holloway household, Nancy rang the doorbell multiple times as  they waited for someone to open the door. They all knew that realistically they wouldn't get one but it was always nice to try before trespassing.

Everyone turned to Eleven in hoped of her opening but Alex stepped, they needed to stop relying on El for such menial tasks. Alex stepped forward, trying to muster a flame in her finger as she pressed it to the lock. 

It clicked open well more the lock blew up but that's the same thing right. She turned back to the group who just looked stunned, "What? You act as if this is my first time breaking into a house,"

"Is it not your first time?!" Mike spoke back a mix of confused and Amazed. Alex just smiled mischievously at him before opening the door, 

"Let the mystery begin," she laughed before walking into the house, the rest of the group on her tail.

"Fucking genius," Lucas muttered as he followed her.

Nancy walked to the front of the group, not trusting a teenager to be at the front.

"Tom?" she called once they had all made it into the group, "Heather?"

"Jesus, it's freezing." Max muttered, walking past Alex as the girl stopped. Her side was hurting, where the demodog had bit her the year before. It was like something was wrong with it, maybe an infection. She looked down at it, pulling her shirt up slightly, ok that wasn't good, her veins around the area are getting darker. Alex panicked and zipped her jacket up.

She breathed a little heavier as she walked through the dining room, where she had been a little under two days ago, the food was still left out, the wine left uncorked and on the floor, blood beside it.

Everyone else was in the kitchen, "Do you guys smell that? Nancy asked, making sure she wasn't going insane.

Alex stepped closer, intrigued by the mess of cleaning supplies. "Fucking hell," she muttered, looking down to a chunk missing from the counter where the chemicals had burnt through. She reached her hand in to touch it but was stopped by Mike shouting from behind her,

"Alex, are you stupid?" Mike exclaimed as she went to touch the crevice.

Alex turned to glare at him, it's not everyday you see a shit tonne of chemicals, before turning to the rest of the group who were looking at her like she had gone insane, "What! i just wanted to know what it felt like!" she exclaimed, "The worst it would have done is like burn my finger or some shit."

"You think their guzzling this shit?" Johnathan asked, changing the subject which Alex was thankful for. Seriously, she was just curious.

"Yeah either that, or they just went on a hell of a cleaning spree." Nancy jabbed at Johnathan, clearly all couples in the group were having a rough patch right now.

"But last year, Will didn't eat chemicals... did you?" Max asked, turning the attention around to Will.

"No.." Will shook his head quickly, he would definitely remember if he was downing chemicals, "This i something new,"

"Mr Clarke. Fifth grade... Posit. What happens when you mix chemicals together?"

"You create a new substance!" Will, Lucas and Alex said in unison, remembering the old lesson.

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