A/n (so sorry for all the a/ns)

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Hey um
its been awhile..

Im still really shocked that this book is getting so much attention..

So I feel like i should make an announcement on the work that brought so much attention to my other works and account as a whole.

I think this is pretty obvious that um..
I am no longer interested in creepypasta nor do I have the same awful humor that made so many of you laugh.

Now im not saying that I wont update anymore and that the book is discontinued, but do understand that I no longer take interest in creepypasta stuff like I did once before.

Im just saying, beware of the fact that my writing style and humor has changed so much since the last time i updated this.

Im not gonna be feeding you false hope, saying that "the update will be soon!" because I know that you know that I will probably not even update this at all.

But, I do still have the storyline down, and I do still have the idea of what the next chapter will be, along what this book will become. I just don't have the same enthusiasm and the want to update like I did once before, and I think you know that.

Basically what im trying to say is, I still have hope and know what I want to do with this book, I just don't have the motivation to update it like I did before.

Infact, the next update will probably be written and released the same way that this book was originally released, in the middle of the night when im sleep deprived and overworked but feeling creative.

That's all.
Im sorry if it isn't exactly what you were expecting, but I hope you understand.

Thank you to everyone who read the book and added it to all of your reading lists, im so thankful for everyone who was waiting patiently.

I love you all greatly and wish you guys the best of luck at life.

                                      - Jake.

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