18 | Four Seasons

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"Thanks for saving me earlier."

Hera took off her heels and glanced at Baekhyun who was leaning against the wall, his posture relaxed, but his eyes... they were a different story. He looked pissed for some reason. Well, he always was pissed, but this time it looked as if he wanted to choke the life out of her.

"Where did all the snarkiness went to? You seemed on the verge of fainting on the dance floor."

She rolled her eyes. "I love my life too much to loose it to your unhinged boss. Sorry not sorry."

Baekhyun's eyes raked over as she stood up and placed her necklace in the jewelry box. He had imagined her naked body beneath his more than once and when he was close to her he wanted to press her against the wall and have his fucking way with her. That was a major problem. He needed to be patient. For her. For himself.

"You looked like a coward." He further agitated.

Hera paused. "Why do I feel like you wanted me to fight Boss?"

"I wouldn't mind having an opportunity to entertain myself." He shrugged, and she glared at him.

"I'm sorry your highness. I refuse to be your entertainment toy. As I said before, I love my life too much."

"You would have been safe. You're my fiance." Baekhyun strolled over to her, and noticed how she stiffened. "Is this how you're going to be around, for the rest of your life?"

"Maybe. Why? Got bored already?"

"Maybe," he murmured.

Her heart sank in disappointment for some reason. "You should do better things than to waste your time getting bored with me." She turned away. "I could do other interesting things too."

"Like what? Laying in bed so I can fuck you?"

Hera rammed her elbow into his side and he rubbed the spot with a smirk. "I was joking, damn it. Why do you have to be so violent?"

"I don't love you."

Baekhyun actually laughed at her. "Love? What does fucking have to do anything with love?"

His nonchalant behavior sent a stab to her heart. This was the man she was going to marry and spend her life with. A heartless cruel bastard. "I was twelve when a family friend, Yoona was married off. Now looking back at the moment, I know why she looked so terrified of the marriage. It must've been a peace deal in mob." Her throat wobbled. "I could see her dispair on the day of her own marriage and I knew she didn't love him. She looked miserable. It was then I promised myself that I won't stay or do a loveless marriage."

His face didn't change, nor his eyes showed compassion or any other emotion. "I see, you're hopeless romantic."

She grumbled and shoved him back. "Asshole. Leave."

Baekhyun winked, and walked out of the room, hearing the door slammed behind him. His feet were quick as he went downstairs to the bar section. There was no one around. Guests had left. Only silence. He grabbed the liquor from the shelf and started drinking straight from the bottle.

"Are we having a party here?" Minho, one of the captains came to him with a wide grin. "Not getting any till marriage from the pretty girl? You can always fuck other women, shall I call-"

He stormed toward Minho, gripped him by the collar and flung him against the wall. His head smashed against it. "What the fuck, consigliere?" he growled, getting ready to fight, but Baekhyun was quick to attack first, landing two punches straight to his jaw and face.

Another punch was already in action when quick footsteps followed after them, and then he was wrenched away from the captain, and pushed behind the Capo himself. Taehyung growled, "What the fuck is wrong with you two?"

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