Killer Queen

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Tubbo pov:

"So.... Queen?" I asked, raising an eyebrow and smirking slightly

"Yeah. Queen are the best band... got a problem" Ranboo growled back, staring daggers into my eyes

I quickly retreaded, moving backwards slightly and wafting my hands infront of me "no! No! I agree, I love queen... somebody to love is my all time favourite"

"I'm more of a killer queen kinda fan, but you've got food taste at least" Ranboo replied, as he sat on his bed, emptied his pockets of all there worth, placing knives and wrappers with the same substance from earlier into his top drawer

"More like killer king with your knife skills" I teased, Ranboo looked up and smirked, before grabbing one of his knives and throwing it at the wall.

As I looked at where it had ended up, there was a target on his wall with the knife in its centre
"Maybe with a kind of magic" he smiled

I was still in awe at the knife throwing
"My old friend taught me that" Ranboo said, picking up on my surprise
"His name was Darryl but we all gave him 'bad' as a nickname, even though he was the nicest guy you'd ever meet"

"We?" I asked

"My old group of pals... but you don't really need to know about them"

I decided to move on, Ranboo didn't particularly look like he wanted to talk, so I thought back to the ice cream parlour
"Thanks again"

"For what" he asked

"For the ice cream guy. I don't know what would've happened if you weren't there" I smiled

He seemed to look a bit happy at that, but he remained monotone

"Can you let me show you around school tomorrow, please I've got a perfect attendance and I wouldn't want to mess it up" I half joked, I wasn't joking but I wanted to seem light hearted

"You are such a nerd. Fine, you can show me around tomorrow, but I don't want any boredom to come my way or I'm leaving. Got it?" He replied

"Of course" I beamed back

There was once again another moment of silence, before I thought about something
"Why did we have to climb a tree to get in here?"

"Because I didn't want my mum and step-fucker to know I'm home... I can't be bothered with the argument today" Ranboo replied as he fell back onto his bed and stared at the ceiling

"Oh" I replied, moving to see with him on the bed "may i?" I asked to which Ranboo nodded

I laid next to him and stared at his ceiling

"Do you wanna know about it? Since you seem to want to get to know me" Ranboo asked

I turned my head and hummed a quiet yes

"A while back my mum hung out with these bad people, got into debt and then those bad people came after her, they took my dad as payment. Killed him and sent her a letter to prove it... so I wanted to go after them, my dad was a good guy, didn't deserve to be killed" Ranboo took a moment to breathe

"You don't have to-" I began but he cut me off

"I joined a gang... it wasn't really my scene and I didn't have the guts to hurt anyone but I was there, they helped me out, they did a lot for me. Made me who I am today... long story short, we got our revenge in a bit so subtle gang war, I had to move and here we are" he looked at me and smiled

"This is the part where people usually leave" he added

"I don't wanna leave... I want to help you be yourself"

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