I Attract Pain

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"What?"  Nathan and I both say.

My son is what? I stare at Nathan, his eyes are a cold chestnut. He looks angry.

"What happened?" He grits.

"Roxy says that Ethan wanted them to go out for ice cream like you guys usually do. She says that they went to a stall by the park on tenth. She was watching them play when the ice cream guy called her to collect the sundaes.

When she turned back, Ethan was gone and Ricky was yelling at something in the air.

She and her husband looked for Ethan everywhere. Then they drove to the police station calling me on their way." She says.

Her voice is hoarse. I burst out crying. Throwing punches in the air when Nathan tries to hold me.

I run upstairs to my room and change into warm clothes. Then I run back down with my car keys in hand.

"I'll drive." He says.

We run to the car and when it comes to life,  we peel of my driveway.

The drive to the police station is rushed. We even look around as we drive to the station.

"Hi, uhh- I'm Gemima Summer. My son Ethan Summer is missing." I immediately tell him.

The guy behind the receptionist table looks at me. He nods slowly  before he takes out a docket.

"Okay mam, how old is he?" He asks.

"Three." I'm quick to say.

"Height?" He asks. I look to Nathan.

"He's three feet." He says.

"Where was the last place you saw him?" He asks.

"He was with a friend of my sister's at the park. He was playing with her kid before he good lost." Nathan explains.

"What was he wearing?" He asks taking notes.

"We don't know, he wasnt dressed by us in the morning." I panick.

"Its okay man, for now head to your house and drink tea or something to calm down. We will do our best to find your son." I nod.

I  dont believe them a single bit. 

Nathan is the driver again.  He is speaking to someone in a hush tone when I get into the car.

Tears fall freely as I think about my child. Is he okay? What's happening.

Nathan drives us to his house instead.

Within walking in to the complete silence, I'm almost scared out of my shit when I see that the mother and daughters with blue eyes are sitting there motionless.

All of them look deep in thought while Charlotte is silently crying .

Nathan seats me on the couch next to him. And he holds me.

Who could have done this ? My son is innocent he hasn't done shit to no body.

"Do you want something to eat?" Nathan asks.

When I dont reply he stands and heads to the kitchen.

Mrs Hart's eyes look so pained, she scoots closer and she caresses my back.

"Calm down honey, they'll find him. I have hope." She says. A delicious aroma begins to fill the house.

Charlotte and Elizabeth are motionless. For the first time Elizabeth looks concerned.

I fall asleep. Scared that if I dont, then I'll go hunting for my son out there. I wake up to gentle shaking.

"Gemma. Dinner is ready, let's go eat." Elizabeth says.

Her eyes are heavy with concern. She stares at me. Waiting for my movement. When she sees my eyes, she is quick to plop down and try to explain herself.

"I know that I'm not the most caring person. I know that I'm the last person you expect this from. But Gemma I couldn't imagine what you're going through.

I dont want to loose Jasmine, I love her with all that I've got and I know that the same applies to you with Ethan. My advice to you is that you fight.

Don't let them take him from you. Fight for your child mama bear and dont even overthink it, I'm with you every step of the way." She says.

"And please, I know how hard it sounds, but try to cheet up. It worries Nathan that there is nothing he can to physically help." She warns.

I only stare at her. My mouth feels sealed shut.

"Now let's get you some food." She says.

We walk to the dinning room and sit next to Nathan. I eat the spaghetti and meatballs. But only a few bites and after that I stand and I go to Nathan's shower.

I sit inside the little box as hot water presses onto my skin, promising to relax my muscles but failing miserably. 

The tears fall. I sob loudly. Ethan does not deserve this. He is not a part of whatever this person has a problem with me for.

He is not a part of it and taking his is playing dirty.

I hug myself and I bury my head between my knees.

Rocking back and forth to comfort myself. Although nothing could comfort me as much as my son right now. Absolutely nothing.

A pair of warm hands wrap around me. I look up to see Nathan's creamy body seating next to me.

His eyes are glassy as well. He stares at my quivering lips and he holds me tighter.

I sob louder in his arms. He just sits there. Probably crying as well.

I start to  feel a dull ache in my head.  I fell asleep while hiccuping on Nathan's shoulder.

I wake up in the bed, we're still butt naked and he is holding me.

He's not asleep though, he is staring up towards the ceiling. His breathing is quiet and calm. But his heart is beating so fast .

I look outside and it's still very dark.

I stay staring out the window until the sun rises.

With that I wear Nathan's clothes after bathing and I head downstairs. I sit on the barstool with my phone in hand. Waiting for a ransom call.

Nathan walks down as well and he sits next to me on the barstool.

He gives me silent reassurance with a slight nod

He begins to make breakfast. The rest of the ladies come and sit around me.

I understand that they're trying to make me feel better but they're annoying me right. Nathan's phone pings beside me and I open it.

"Who is it babe?" He asks.

"Unknown." My raspy voice says.

I guess they didnt expect me to answer they are all staring at me.

"What does it say? This is literally giving me movie kidnapping vibes." Charlotte says.

I glare at her and she flinches.

"Too early Char." Elizabeth says.

"You have what I want and now I have what you want." I read.

Everyone pales.

Mr Rickelle

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