UNTG x FC (Fora)

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The drawing was made by HunterFoxy2 a longg time ago.

As some of you probably know, I am dating someone. I've at least put hints that I was with someone because I didn't want to flat out say it yet.

But yes the 'rumors' are true (there were never rumors) I'm dating JustAFriendlyChild .

What I can say about the relationship of course is there have have been bumps which is understandable. We're both humans who can't do everything perfect you know? But with those bumps, they've been worked out together.

It's all about putting into work. There have been a lot of things I learned during it. A lot of things.

You have to at least learn to be honest, trusting, and you can't just think about you or your partner's needs. You have to think about both.

You have to learn to take their feelings into consideration too. Even if you think they'll say what you think they'll say, it doesn't hurt to ask them about it anyway.

So my point is, I've learned things about relationships I never thought I'd learn. Heck, I didn't even think I'd be dating in high school. I thought I'd be single the whole way. That all went out the window lol.

But do I regret being with FC? No. And that's the honest truth.

But I do wish I could of done things better in the past for her because it catches up to you in the future. When this happens, it's all about fighting against it and never giving up.

If you do come across this and are reading this FC (which you probably will anyway lol), I just wanted to say I love you and thank you for giving me a chance like no one else has 💕.

Rating: Relationship Goals/10

(This aged well lol—)

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