12: The monster likes teenage girls

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Ten minutes later and they were all sat listening to El recount what happened to her in the void, the girl was still out of breath as she leant backwards, Mike's arms still wrapped around her.

"He said th-that he was building something," she explained, voice still panicked and jump, "That it was all for me."

"Building something.." Max trails off in thought, the two girls were still in the chair, Alex still leaned into her shoulder so they couldn't see her, "Is he talking about the flayed?"

Nancy hummed, "He must be,"

Mike looked at his sister in agreement,  "Yeah, but he's not building this army to spread," he says.

"He's building it to stop Eleven," Will finishes, sharing a worried look with the others.

"Last year, El closed the gate on him... I feel that really pissed him off,"

"Like, royally," Lucas adds, adding to the severity of the situation.

"He doesn't want it to happen again," Alex spoke quietly, turning attention to her, her voice was scratchy but they looked past it, just glad the girl wasn't unresponsive.

Who knew monsters have superiority complexes? especially ones that target teenage girls.

"Exactly," Mike nods. "The mind Flayer now knows that El is the only thing that can stop him. But if she's out of the way..." Mike trailed off, not even wanting to think about the idea.

"Game over." Lucas finished for him.

"He also said he was going to kill most of you," El adds, looking at the group.

"At least it was most and not all," Lucas says, trying to inject enjoyment.

"Or it means one of us is being targeted to join his army," Mike butted in, that was the reality. Alex gulped, the black veins on her chest, the feeling of darkness inside of her; it was all adding up now.

"Yeah well," Max huffs, could they catch a break, "That's nice."

Nancy ignored the girl and walked over to the window, she heard something and curiosity bested her. Then there was a screeching noise,

"Do you guys hear that?" Nancy whispered to the group, making Alex look out the window as her heart dropped, El had accidentally revealed their location to the mind flayer.

Nancy seemed to have the same thought, "Billy," she turned to El, "when he told you this, it was here in this room?" she asked her, El nodded her head slowly, as realisation set in.

Alex grabbed Max's hand when she felt that rollercoaster feeling, she looked across to Will who's hand was on the back of his neck, he felt it as well.

"He knows we're here." they said in unison.

Nancy ran to the door, the rest of the group following in a rush as they left the cabin in a frenzy and made it to the road. They froze, seeing the creature stalk towards them in the distance, tearing apart the forest as it did so.

"Oh, my god," Nancy gasped, putting into words how they all felt. She wasted no time in protecting the teens, "everyone back inside, now!" she shouted, making them all follow Johnathan as she grabbed a gun from the shed.

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