four. frayed

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four. frayed

Jasper sat in astonishment

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Jasper sat in astonishment. He was currently in the backseat of Allison's car with Lydia, in the passenger seat, and Allison, driving. His brain went through all the news he had just discovered a few hours ago.

"Wait, so let me get this straight," Jasper sighed before he pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes. "There's a supernatural world living amongst Beacon Hills, which some of the people I know are a part of. A-And I am suddenly figuring this out because my dumbass had decided to walk home after my shift, big mistake by the way, heard fighting and got curious, an even bigger mistake, and spotted a huge throw-down between the good werewolves and the bad ones... Anything else I'm missing?"

"Besides me coming from a family of werewolf hunters and Lydia being... Whatever she is... And the human sacrifices... Nope, that's pretty much it," Allison responded as she drove behind the bus. "I have a question though. Why are you sitting in the back of my car and not on the bus for the cross-country meet?"

"I woke up late and when I got there you guys said you were heading to the meet, so..." Jasper answered. Suddenly his eyes went wide as he had just realized something. "Oh, my God. People on the bus are werewolves!"

"Jasper, just... Calm down," Lydia spoke up from the passenger seat. "Besides, it's not the weirdest thing about Beacon Hills... Does it come in a close second? Maybe. But not the weirdest."

"Am I getting too close?" Allison questioned. "I'm getting too close, aren't I?"

"That depends," Lydia answered. "Are you just following the bus or are you planning on mounting it at some point?"

"Yeah, I should back off," Allison declared.

"Well, that also depends," Lydia piped up. "Do you mean the bus or the ex-boyfriend you're currently stalking?"

"Well, after what happened, I'm not letting him out of my sight," Allison explained.

"Sounds like somebody's in love," Jasper poked fun at her, dragging the final word out.

"Sounds like someone needs to get his act together before I leave him on the side of the road," Allison replied, looking at the boy through her rear-view mirror. "And by the way, this all started when he came knocking at my door."

"For what?" Lydia and Jasper asked at the same time. Allison's mouth opened to answer the question, but closed slightly, seeming to be thinking of what to say.

"Oh, God," Jasper grimaced. "Sex?"

"What, no!" Allison asserted. "Still no relationship between us other than just friends."

Jasper nodded his head. He rolled his eyes before his back fell into the seat. His eyes looked out the window to the scenery that surrounded the car. And his mind prayed that nothing bad happens. Again.

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