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     The day passed pretty fast after that. They all ate lunch together with a few other friends, and everything was pretty much back to normal.
     "Hey, I can't walk home with you today.." Sena started as they left the front gate of the school. "Huh, why?" Haru asked, slowing down. Was it still awkward with them? "Ah- I'm a little shy about it, but today's my first modeling shoot.." She put her hair back. "WHAT!!" Haru shrieked, "SERIOUSLY??" She was basically jumping. "I know!! I'm so excited but I'm nervous because I've never done it before--wait. Come to think of it, you should consider modeling instead!" Sena admired her. "Don't switch the topic!! Omg sena you have to tell me everything. SERIOUSLY." Haru had a big smile on. "You're blocking the sidewalk." Chongyun laughed at them. "Oopsies." Haru moved aside. "What's with the big grin on your face?" Yun pointed. "I'm gonna model!" Sena joined in. "Oh seriously?! You're really pretty so don't worry too much about it!" He encouraged her, which was a little funny. "Oh, that's my drivers car." She pointed at a car behind Chongyun. "Bye Haru, bye yun!" She ran off with more confidence than before. "Goodluck!" Yun shouted at her before turning back to Haru. "Wanna walk home together?" Yun asked. "You're aware we live in opposite directions, right?" She laughed at him. "It's no biggie though, I've walked you home a bunch of times. Plus my parents aren't home so I'm bored." Haru held in her laugh when he said biggie. "What about Xingqiu?" They started walking. "His older brothers are in town and they don't really like me. They think I'm wasting his time." he shrugged. "Rich families are put under such weird standards. Senas family is the same. But we're in-se-par-able!" Haru joined her finges as a joke. "hmm, so you guys made up?" "Of course! She told me she liked me!" "What?" Yun turned his head to face her. "hm?" She looked at him. "Well, are you okay?" "Why wouldn't I be? She likes me back!" "Yeah, but... Doesn't it make you feel worse knowing she likes you but wouldn't da--Nah nevermind I'm not really helping. Congrats, I guess?" Yun faced forward again. Haru stared at him pretty blankly.

I'm not ready. // xingyunWhere stories live. Discover now