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I have a friend for everything. 

I mean it that way, exactly how it is. 

I have a friend for everything. 

If I want a hug, I know who to go to. 
If I need a listening ear, there's a friend for that. 
If I want to be treated, I've someone in mind. 
If I want a nice laugh, or a weird fact, there's one for that as well. 

I have a friend for everything. 
If I want to be just another friend, I know which way to go. 
If I want to treat someone like more-than-just-a-friend, I know a guy. 
If I want to talk leisurely, I know who to chat up. 

I have a friend for everything. 

My friends are like my support system. 
They are there to keep me in check. 
They help the me at school, the me inside, not to spill over the me at home. 
They help the me at home to stay sane, to keep the me elsewhere at bay.
But what happens if I push them all away? 

I have a friend for everything,
But what happens if they lead my heart astray? 

I have a friend for everything... 

But I don't let them stay. 


How about you, what are your friends to you?

The Darkness Within: Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now