
122 8 397

1. Do you know any male on wattpad???

2. Do you believe in life after death???

3. Do you like who you are now???

4. When was the last time you laughed so hard???

5. Who is the one person you tell everything too??? (Wattpad)

6. What's the worst advice you've ever been given???

7. What's the best advice you've ever been given???

8. Is there anyone in this planet that could destroy you just with their words???

9. Favorite part of your daily routine???

10. Do you ever want to get married???

11. What's the last thing you said out loud???

12. Are you good at hiding your feelings???

13. Who did you last see in person???

14. Would you change your name???

15. Worst year of your life???

16. Most used emoji???

17. What hurts the most???

18. Who made you who you are???

19. Things i hate about myself???

20. Favorite number???

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