Chapter 9: Tall Ass Bomb vs Boyfriend

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Cordelia: WHITTY! Also I know whitty have an crush on coral but.... They will be in an Open Relationship. Which is just then dating but they can kiss who ever they want and the girlfriend/boyfriend doesn't care.... I believe that what it is...

Cordelia: Also whitty is Asexual but I look it up and it said: not involving sexual activity, feelings, or associations; nonsexual.

Cordelia: But there is a Noun saying: a person who has no sexual feelings or desires, or who is not sexually attracted to anyone.

Cordelia: So whitty is not sexually attracted to people but more romantically.

Cordelia: Also Coral is Whitty Love Interest so they will be that way untill date weak.

Karl pov

Me and Eret was the only one with Girlfriend and Boyfriend. Why you ask? Me and Eret gave them food posioning last night when we was with Pico and Pica family

Girlfriend: Next on the list is whitty.

Me: Who whitty?

Girlfriend and Boyfriend was wearing there everyday outfit while I was wearing a sweater and sweat pants with slippers which I was to comfortable to change. Eret was wearing one of girlfriend dress that wasn't red. It was a pink color and some pink heels she found somewhere

Eret: I look good.

Boyfriend: Skdoo  beeeep be bappity skebap boop bap  skbep be brep boop beepaa skdoo brep boop. Beepbop be beeeep  beepaa beepbop boop  skdabeep bopo bep bip skdoo bappity bapboop  bappity beep brep boop  be skdabeep  skebap beep skebap skebap baaaap  skebap boop beep bap boop skbep beepaa  skebap skdoo skebap  baaaap be bopo  bap boop skebap skebap bap boop skbep skbep  beepaa bopo bap bappity  de skdoo bappity bip. (I wonder sometime. How the fucking name of Daddy Dearest did you red dress turn pink.)

Oh yeah boyfriend voice is Abit glitch for the time because of something. Probably Cordelia doing. We turn into a Ally way to see a dude with a bomb for a head

Boyfriend: Beepbop boop beepo beepo be? (hello?)

The person turn around, he was tall and very unique

???: ...Who-

Boyfriend: Beep boop.

That wired we can't understand him no more, only girlfriend was

???: Oh, you four. Would all of you kindly leave me alone? I don't want anyone knowin' I'm here.

Boyfriend: Bio boop beep.

???: ...Listen, I ain't lookin' for trouble tonight, just leave and all will be cool.

Boyfriend: Beepo bap skeboop.

???: ...

Eret: I want to see a battle!

???: What the fuck you wearing a dress? Ain't you like... A male?

Eret: I'm a proud Non-binary person!

???: Geez... Let just... Start.

Whitty: 0
Boyfriend: 1

Eret pov

We cheer as whitty roll his eyes

Whitty: I see how it is.

Boyfriend: Brep bappity boop.

Whitty: You're really pushing my limits, dude.

My Boyfriend~ (Yandere Dream SMP x Boyfriend Reader x Yandere FNF) (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now