Chapter Four: Family

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"Y/N, talk to me." Hermione kneeled down in front of him, speaking patiently.

Y/N looked up at her with his tear-stained face. She wore the most worried expression he had ever seen on her. Her eyebrows were furrowed, her lips curved to a frown.

It was always her that was there whenever he needed the most.

"Hermione." Y/N's voice cracked.

Hermione looked at him with a sad expression. She didn't comment about the mark on his arm. Instead her eyes were locked onto his. She was always the one who was the most patient with him. The one who trusted him the most.

It was always her.

Y/N looked away, feeling guilty. The Death Eaters were people who would find joy in killing Muggle-borns. People like her.

"I'm one of them." Y/N's voice was raspy from his silent sobbing.

"You're not." Hermione responded, placing her hands on either side of his face to force him to look at her.

Y/N bit his lip, trying to fight the next wave of tears that desperately tried to leave him. She was an angel. Beautiful. Always finding the good parts of him.

"I am." Y/N croaked, showing off his left forearm.

"It means nothing, Y/N." Hermione tried to fight back tears of her own upon seeing the state Y/N was in.

"It means everything, Hermione." Y/N sarcastically chuckled before wiping his face with his hands.

"No..." Hermione argued, feeling a lump in her throat.

She could only imagine the trouble Y/N was going through.

"Hermione, we can't... keep doing this..." Y/N looked her in the eyes with the most serious voice Hermione had ever heard him speak in.

"What are you saying?" Hermione asked anxiously, biting her lip as her eyes glossed up.

"You know what I mean." Y/N shook her hands off before standing up.

He thought he could tell her. He thought he could continue to be with her while carrying on the mission but now that she was here. He couldn't. She'd only get caught up in it and she'd get hurt.

"I don't want to do this anymore." Y/N said through tears.

Y/N shakily began walking away from her, pulling his sleeve down in the process. It was hard. He wanted nothing more than to turn back and take back what he had said but he couldn't. This was the only way to save her and his family.

"Don't lie to me, Y/N!" Hermione wiped her eyes with her sleeves, remaining on the ground.

"You'll only get hurt!" Y/N shouted, refusing to turn around and see her crying.

"I'd rather get hurt than be with anyone else, don't lie and say you don't feel the same!" Hermione screamed.

Y/N could tell she was crying. Her voice had gotten shaky and her tone had gotten higher.

He stopped in his tracks, wiping his tears with his arm but still refused to turn around.

"Let me get hurt, let them break me down. I don't care. Just... Y/N. Please..." Hermione begged.

Y/N could hear her stand up but he still remained quiet. Standing a few meters away from her, not knowing what to do. He loved her. He loved her so much.

"I love you." Hermione whispered shakily.

He felt her arms wrap around him from behind but his eyes remained on the ground.

Invisible Things (Hermione Granger x Male Slytherin Reader)Where stories live. Discover now