► dispute

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"Daphne," Benedict knocked his fist against the door with little energy, as he had been doing for the last 10 minutes. The knock echoed back to him in refusal. "She's not coming," Marie observed, sipping on her green tea before looking around the room at the paintings which littered the walls. "Watson and the Shark," She pointed out one of the many famous paintings in the Bridgerton household. "Well, I can see that," He muttered angrily in answer to both her statements. "What is your problem with me?" Marie asked, turning to him and crossing her arms. "I've really tried to make us work. To have a friendship with you, and every time my efforts are thrown back in my face. I mean what was Somerset house? The dances we share? Pick your affection," She told him. "You mean the dances you storm away from. The time in Somerset house you nearly caused my family yet another scandal. You make me so unbelievably angry," Benedict raised his voice, causing Marie to rise from the sofa she had resorted to. "I'm sorry you can't control your emotions, but that isn't my problem," She told him, standing with high posture from the other side of the room. "What in God's name is wrong with you!" He yelled back, walking towards her. "You are the one who has a bad reputation and you're bringing me into the mess of your life just like your parents," He shouted, his voice echoing in the silence that followed. He took a good look at her, his features softening as he noticed her distraught face. "Marie, I-" He stopped himself, watching her eyes gloss over. Benedict looked at her and then at her shaking hands. "I'm sorry," He finalised after a minute of silence, licking his lips in anxiousness. 

Benedict had read about Marie in his study when they had first met. Mainly about her life in France - which was very troublesome and dramatic. He had noticed how little her parents cared for her as a person, rather than her reputation, quoting her 'messy life' in the highest viewed French newspaper: Le Temps. She had spiralled into rebellion after the article came out and then sought out public trouble so she could ruin her parents careers as well. Scandal after scandal led to her being sent to England to be graced with proper manners by no other than Her Majesty Herself. Benedict knew that his words would hurt her, reopen an old wound, and after saying them he immediately regretted his choice.

He inched closer to Marie, his hand flinching by his side as he watched her free hands shake by her side . In anger or fear, he did not know. "I wasted all this time, just for you to hate me," She smiled. A sad smile. "Hey," Benedict whispered, reaching for her but she pulled away violently. She picked herself up, her hands grasping the hem of her dress, and marched for the door, it opening as if on cue, to Daphne who stared at Benedict with a furious look. "What is wrong with you!" She exclaimed before following Marie out the door. 

"Marie, wait!" Daphne shouted, making Marie stop and turn as she pulled her coat back on. Daphne raced down the marble stairs to wear Marie stood quietly. "Please, I'm sorry," Daphne bowed her head as Marie's authoritive stare took over her face. She took Daphne's gloved hand in hers which made Daphne look up in questioning. "You have nothing, to be sorry about," She assured, swiftly wiping a stray tear from below her eye as it rolled down her face. "Good day," She curtseyed before exiting the Bridgerton mansion without another word. She crossed the street in a hurry, knocking on the door and barging past the maid, calling for Bea. 

Bea found Marie lying on her bed and saw the tears roll onto her bedsheets. "Oh baby, c'mere," She pitied, cradling Marie's torso on her lap. It took 5 seconds before Marie broke down. 


After a while, Marie fell asleep on Bea's lap. Dried tears gracing her face and her hair crumpled. Bea took her clothes off and changed her into a night dress, closing the curtains in Marie's room. She then filled up a bath, gently scrubbing the tears from Marie's face. Bea then returned to the door, sending more suitors away before setting up Marie's next painting canvas. 

When Marie awoke, she stared at the ceiling for a while, closing her eyes as Bea walked in the room and opened the curtains. "Marie it is time for dinner," She shook Marie carefully who slowly opened her eyes. Bea brought a tray up with Marie's dinner on it before telling Marie that she was going to go out with her friends again and that Marie should relax and get more sleep. After the approval of her mistress, Bea grabbed her coat and left, leaving Marie to dress as a man and return to the art club where she placed herself at the back with a stool. She downed some whiskey, ignoring any trace of Benedict in the room. She didn't want to speak to him from then on out. 

Marie spent the night painting. She began and when she looked up again, it was 4 in the morning. She stared at her painting, placing it on the wall at the back by the sink and then washed her hands thoroughly. The dimly lit room made it hard for her to see in the mirror which reflected where the sink was on the wall, however she noticed subconscious streaks of paint which added to her 'disguise'. Her shoulders tensed as Benedict's laugh flowed into the room along with some of the other regular gentlemen. She scrubbed her hands, her muscles freezing as Benedict walked with Colin to the sink to grab some brushes. As men with large ego's do, they ignored Marie who continued to ferociously rub at her palms with soap. "That one there, of Venice. That is absolutely gorgeous," Colin pointed straight at Marie's painting to which Benedict agreed and walked over to it. He stared at paint, his finger brushing the strokes lightly. "It's fresh paint," He whispered, his eyes flitting to the tiny initials at the corner of the canvas M.H. 

He cocked his head, his lips upturned as he span around looking at the sink which was now free of people, the door swinging violently. He smiled as he understood, leaving the painting to go and sit down with Colin who was just happy to sit in front of a nude model. 


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