part 18

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*Maya's pov*

I explained what happened, then I get a email from the police.

I turn the facetime into a regular call then open the notification.

"Hm" I say quietly.

"What's wrong?" Hunter asked.

"I just got a email from the popo!" I said.

I lean back into the bed and Zack sitting up reading the police contract.

"Huh?" Said Zack.

"The popo mate." I replied.

"What?" He asked.

"The popo? It's the police?"I said really confused since he didn't know what it meant.

"Oh" he replied.
Looking up at me.

"Ye mate 'popo' it stands for police station?!" Zack interrupted.

"Well anyways, what does the email say?" Asked Zack.

"They heard about what happened and asked if we're still up for it!" I explained.

"I mean it's really your choose Maya your the one with the truama." Hunter exclaimed.

"What! Why! What about me!" Zack yelped.

"Who?-" I said

"Asked-" Zack finished.

"Correct!" I exclaimed.

"Well are you up for it?" Hunter asked breaking the couple seconds of silence.

"Totally!" I yelped.

"You know that's in two days right?" Hunter said.

"What!" I sat up.

"Oh, well I'll be able to go home today so I can pack your stuff for you." Zack said to me looking over at my laptop.

"Thank you that's very sweet but call me so I know what your packing." I said to Zack.

"Soo are you going to email the popo back?" Hunter asked.

"Oh yeah! I will!" I said and started to type out an email.

"Oh! And tell them about my injury!" Zack explained.

"Ok? Sure." I added what Zack said, I sent it and got a email back in a second.

"Welp that was fast?" I said.

"What was?" Hunter asked.

"They emailed her back idiot!" Zack exclaimed.

"Right-" hunter replied.

"I know what your going to ask Hunter. It says of we're still able to arrive early they will pay for any medication or hospital bills!" I yelped

"Holy the popo are generous!" Zack said with a laugh at the end.

"Yes the popo are generous!" I said back laughing with Zack then hunter joined.

Then the nurse walks in.

"Hello Hermosa!" She said walking over to my side of the bed.

"Hello ma'am!" Said Zack.

"Hello to you too hun!" She said back.

I stuck out my arm knowing what she's going to do. We've done this too many times to count.

"Ok so your blood pressure is pretty much balanced."

"Ok! Awesome!" I exclaimed.

"And for you sir! I'll just remove your bandage and you will be all set!" "Oh and don't worry the stitch's are dissolveable so it will go away by itself." She told Zack.

"Ok!" He replied and the nurse removed his bandage. Zack bounced up and skipped away saying.

"Bye!- love y'all!" Referring to hunter on the call, the nurse and me.

"Bye!" Hunter and I replied with.

"Oh and call me when you get to my place!" I yelped.

"Ok! Love you both!" He finished.

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