Chapter 5

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Jack's pov :

A new story has come out, the hype house is so big now.

I haven't even moved out like two days and there's new members.

Vinnie still lives there obviously, but he's hardly there.

Neither is he at my house.

I haven't seen him in a while and we're supposed to go on vacation with our friends.

He didn't talk to me about anything so I just say nothing.

I should've been stopped when I went on Instagram this morning.

The first thing that came up.

"Vinnie Hacker's new girlfriend?" bold on tiktok insiders.

Another one?

Everyday a new story.

Not talking note of the picture, I finally look at it.

"what the fuck?"

Vinnie is wrapped around another tiktokker.

As always.

The comments saying they look cute, some saying she's not good enough.

I message Vinnie just to ask if he's okay I don't wanna seem like a jealous boyfriend one day after I moved out.

Two hours later and no response.


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